tim m

New Member
I've got a 2002 TD5 Auto Discovery. Purchased it just over a year ago from my mother-not-quite-in-law who'd had it since new. Just before I got it, the gearbox lost all of it's oil (leak) and went bang. A used replacement box later and I bought it (gearbox was the final straw for her!).

Car has been running fine until recently. The first very minor issue I noticed was that when its sat at lights in gear it has a very slight shudder that wasn't apparent before. Next problem that manifested itself last week was that it started having issues changing up gears, especially when cold. This was accompanied by a lack of power when accelerating when I first fired it up, although this would disappear after a minute or so.

So with all of this I checked the gearbox level last week, and it was fine. Oil was a little dark but nothing too major. I put "change gearbox oil" on my todo list thinking this might help the situation, not too worried as at least there was oil in there.

Last night the car would only drive in limp mode, and wouldn't shift out of third gear. This morning I thought I must change that oil. Got in the car to reserve it out and no reverse gear. Currently unable to get it out to drive it to work where all my tools are!

Any thoughts? I've searched extensively and see that loosing forward drive is more common. I've been able to find very little about loosing reverse, other than one chap who simply states he needed a new box!
Hi Andy. The switch is occasionally intermittent but generally fine.

What was curious was having left the car for an hour yesterday, when I went back to try again it was fine straight away. I'm going to do an oil change tomorrow, hopefully that will go some way to improving the situation.
The saga continues. Yesterday morning it couldn't get up a steep hill (going forwards) - total lack of drive. Surely even if the oil was past it's best it would just slow the gear change down, not loose power like this?
Just thought I'd reiterate it's only when its cold. Once it's been running for a few mins its fine. Checked the oil again and it comes out of the filler when I undo it so I assume there's plenty in there.
without looking in it its hard to say,often ive just replaced 2 or 1 packs and rest is perfect but sometimes it can be worse, but with a used box you allways check oil colour there is allways some left even after draining ,but you need to check first,and that it is clicking fully into gear at the box end as well as lever
Hello all, for some reason it won't let me post a new post.

So this is the issue I have....

I have a disco 1999 auto...
I noticed that going up hills it's very sluggish and hitting 3500 RPM and doesn't seem to be pulling...

This morning I went to reverse and foot was flat down and I had no high revs and no response for about 5 seconds...then it kicked in.

I have recently had a brand new head fitted and ever since I have had this issues. Could be something else but strange it happened after fix.
I'm not an expert at discos but what would you guys advise?

Goes into gears ok and shows on dash but no response for a long period...in drive it's better but not responsive like before.

Help would be appreciated


Might be a silly idea, but have you considered taking it back to where you had the work done and asking them what is wrong?


Yes mate but wanted to see thoughts first.
It's all cost at the end of the day...cost me arm and leg for recent work :-(
I'm with @neilly on this one, take it back to whoever did the head job. It shouldn't cost if it's something that they did or didn't do.
Make certain to get your facts straight before you talk to them and don't lose your rag with them.
I have it booked in tomorrow. Just don't want to be taken for a ride.

Does the automatics have a built in clutch? Would it be something to do with that??
I have it booked in tomorrow. Just don't want to be taken for a ride.

Does the automatics have a built in clutch? Would it be something to do with that??
they have 7 hydraulic clutch packs, black burnt oil is a sign one or more is failing, id check oil level ,but as others have said if this was directly after youve had work done take it back ,and come back on here with any reasons or more work they may suggest

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