
Hi All

My recently acquired 4.0 Discovery has a vibration that is particularly noticable at 48mph and 80 mph+. I know there are a multitude of causes for vibrations and I have read several posts but cannot really pin down the source - it all seems to be a bit of trial and error. I hope that by describing the symptoms people may be able to eliminate some causes in the first place and narrow down potential sources.

The vibration is vibrating the whole car but is very noticable through the steering wheel. Tyres are relatively new and I've just had the fronts rebalanced. The vibration at 48mph dissapears once you get past 50mph but the vibration starts as you go past 80 and remains quite severe and doesn't go away. The second vibration is also accompanied by low humming sound as if is the vibration is resonating the car. In both cases the vibration remain if I continue at the speed but put the car in neutral.

I am not sure whether the two vibrations are linked or separate issues.

At the moment I'm looking for pointers where the cause may lie. Could it be propshafts, UJ's, the rubber donut? It was suggested by another Disco owner that the panhard rod bushes may need replacing or that the kingpins in the swivels might need adjusting.

Any help much appreciated!

Thanks, Paul
Thanks for the reply. I thought this but would it not vibrate at all speeds? I'll check them out anyway!
Its got to be a wheel balance issue even though you have had them re-balanced i would go to a different garage and have them deflate the tyres then check they are seated correctly then balance
As you seem to be able to drive through the vibration it points to inbalance
Worth a try
Hi man My disco used to shudder badly (scary) up through the steering. I tride balancing, ball joints, shockers and the problem was the stearing damper! The best thing was they are cheep and easy to fit!
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So I've had all the wheels balanced and apparently one of the wheels had 7! 35g weights on the inside and it only needed one. An experienced guy ay It's spent good hour and half on the wheels so I hope this is the issue I had already us them done at kwik fit but they spent about 15minutes on them. I have yet to try at speed because my battery went flat when I picked it up and I now need anew battery. I'll report back tomorrow!

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Hi All

My recently acquired 4.0 Discovery has a vibration that is particularly noticable at 48mph and 80 mph+. I know there are a multitude of causes for vibrations and I have read several posts but cannot really pin down the source - it all seems to be a bit of trial and error. I hope that by describing the symptoms people may be able to eliminate some causes in the first place and narrow down potential sources.

The vibration is vibrating the whole car but is very noticable through the steering wheel. Tyres are relatively new and I've just had the fronts rebalanced. The vibration at 48mph dissapears once you get past 50mph but the vibration starts as you go past 80 and remains quite severe and doesn't go away. The second vibration is also accompanied by low humming sound as if is the vibration is resonating the car. In both cases the vibration remain if I continue at the speed but put the car in neutral.

I am not sure whether the two vibrations are linked or separate issues.

At the moment I'm looking for pointers where the cause may lie. Could it be propshafts, UJ's, the rubber donut? It was suggested by another Disco owner that the panhard rod bushes may need replacing or that the kingpins in the swivels might need adjusting.

Any help much appreciated!

Thanks, Paul

So...what have you checked and eliminated...feck all...oh, sorry front tyres balanced...feck all...

Do you want us to do it with our crystal ball?

You say you've done a search...what did you do with what you found out...let me guess...feck all

Man up, do it proper or not at all...


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I asked a question for pointers of where to look. That is why I described the symptoms. If someone more learned than me could, for example, suggest that something might NOT be the cause as it would vibrate continously not at certain points then that would help in the process of elimination.

Yes I have read several threads and the ones you point to do not describe my symptoms.

I've changed the rear donut, greased and checked the UJ's. Looked at the Panhard Rod - although I'm not certain what to check there and understand from what I have read that this would manifest itself when going over a bump not on motorway driving and I've checked that weigths aren't missing on the propshafts.

I required a starting point not yer fecking helpful comments.
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I asked a question for pointers of where to look. That is why I described the symptoms. If someone more learned than me could, for example, suggest that something might NOT be the cause as it would vibrate continously not at certain points then that would help in the process of elimination.

Yes I have read several threads and the ones you point to do not describe my symptoms.

I've changed the rear donut, greased and checked the UJ's. Looked at the Panhard Rod - although I'm not certain what to check there and understand from what I have read that this would manifest itself when going over a bump not on motorway driving and I've checked that weigths aren't missing on the propshafts.

I required a starting point not yer fecking helpful comments.

They do, not everyone has the same perception of vibration or of it's severity.

Read the threads properly, make lists for things to check, check them, do this 'til you find it...there is never a problem that 'hides'.

The panhard rod is fitted to the vehicle with bushes and it's these wear as do the bolts at the body end and the bushes they fit into...check them with a big screwdriver or prybar, your looking for exessive movement and / or fecked bushes.
The solution to this was crap wheel balancing by Kwik Fit!

I took it to another place and after spending about an hour on it and it is now fine. I initially ruled out wheel balancing as it had already been done!

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