
New Member
Hi chaps

So as we all no the switchs for the electric seats are rare expensive and some what u relyable. Mine havent worked for ages and there now working their way up the list.

So has anyone said stuff it and modified the switches atall? Iv not looked in depth or at a wiring diagram yet but im guessing each side basicaly consists of 3 switchs all with 3 positions. So my idea was to remove the assembely make up a plate to cover the hole and fit three toggles with all with 3 positions and simply wire them acordingly.

Made idea or might it be a cheap alternative? May not look as pretty or be as easy to use but it will work right?
I dont know much about these switches, but I think your on to something there.......
Cheers tomp. Id like to think so. Id imagine there nothing much more than switches operating relays than run motors cant me much more complex then that! Think il look at the diagrams and go from there may post a few pics is i make a go of it
Just clean them with coca cola or bicarbonate of soda or if you want to get all posh and fancy switch cleaner.

Get somewhere clear to work because there are small parts, but it's really easy to clean.

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There's a thread somewhere on here with step by step instructions and pics. Agree with finallysnapped, it's not difficult, just fiddly to dismantle and rebuild but my tip is do the job on a tray as all you get are loads of springs and ball bearings trying to escape!
Thanks chaps

I have thought of it only thing is the little snap catches that hold the body inplace inthe consol are knacked and theres rvidence where somone has once glued them back in. So was just trying to think outside the box at a new idea that might be a better solution?
I bought electric seats for my disco without thinking about switches/wiring. The new MOT saw me planning to wire them up to a wing mirror switch, but it was u/s. I only wired up the driver side to a 2 way switch for forwards/backwards, powered by a feed from one of the window switches. Must dig out the mirror switch and have another go...
get 2 micro switches double pole double throw are what you want. the switch basically reverses the polarity of the motor which makes it spin opposite way to move seat back. same with backrest. then it's just a case of wiring them up correctly.

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