
New Member
can anyone help me, currently removing my rear crossmember or whats left of it! and i was wondering if there are any walk throughs on here or pictures available to help me through!
yeah the one that is bolted to the rear of the chassis and holds the rear door on , and appears to be the whole bit that the rear door closes up onto !! practically the whole rear of the car
lovely ! already reaplced tonnes of metal going to try and get away without removing rear wings as i've got a 2 post ramp so can easily get under motor!, do u know of any photos to make sure i don't cut too much out ?
can anyone help me, currently removing my rear crossmember or whats left of it! and i was wondering if there are any walk throughs on here or pictures available to help me through!

I've done this...You definitely don't have to remove the rear wings.

Get yourself lots of angle and remake the cross member, body mounts and all.
No need for a ramp either, infact a ramp would offer no benefit.

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