
Hi everyone, I have a disco with issues re the steering lock, nothing new, the tumblers stick from wear or gunk and don't drop releasing the lock.
It stranded me at the pumps blocking the petrol station, boy was i popular!!!
I pushed it back (steering lock on) and spent an hour fiddling etc and only lubricant I had was de-icer, eventually it gave and started.
When I got home I liberally injected isopropynol in to clean any gunk etc which made a huge difference, but sometimes it doesn't spring back from starter motor mode.
Soooo, I looked at cost, £30 for new unit... bargain...hold on, automatic £650..... :eek:
OK so it is working but has been awkward a few times so changing would be ideal, question is, if I bought one from a non interlock, removed the retaining pin from behind the electrical connector and swapped just the barrels, would the barrel match the fitting???
or can I bypass the interlock in some way, images look identical so can't see, they probably use stock pictures :(
be great if a simpler cheaper solution was available ;)
Ok so you can't start you engine which can be a sign of an iffy ignition switch,or but can't release the steering lock.?
Japanese or NAS spec disco's have an inhibit if its fitted with an auto gear box.
No the barrel was stuck in the chamber not twisting as I said, cleaning it out helps but the steel keys wear out the softer materials of the lock causing them to Goo up!
Works fine at the moment but doesn't spring back from the start position, I have ordered some graphite powder just wondered if the barrel could be switched as the price difference is madness can get a new laptop for the extra switching for the inhibitor!!!!
No the barrel was stuck in the chamber not twisting as I said, cleaning it out helps but the steel keys wear out the softer materials of the lock causing them to Goo up!
Works fine at the moment but doesn't spring back from the start position, I have ordered some graphite powder just wondered if the barrel could be switched as the price difference is madness can get a new laptop for the extra switching for the inhibitor!!!!

Ok, graphite power is the correct way of doing things, and so nothing to do with the steering lock then, as u have just an issue with the ignition switch.
If you have an interlock then to retain that function u will have a replace the ignition switch with a similar one, if not, then a standard UK spec ignition switch will do but you have removed the inhibitor solenoid.
so if I remove the brass pin will it let me withdraw the barrel and swap it? and will a barrel in the standard switches fit?
I will possibly try and remove the barrel anyway to give it a thorough clean before dusting when thoroughly clean and dry, unless you know of any reason I should be cautious?
I ve never had to do it, sorry, but the pin removal sounds familiar, and yes caution is advisable according to previous posts ... if u don't get a up to date reply from an owner who has done the job, u will find that its already be detailed on the Forum somewhere unfortunately.
No problem , be a day or so before graphite arrives so will do some trawling and see if any other response, thanks :)

Buy some pencils, split them open to get the graphite out, crush it to powder in a pestle and mortar ...
Ha ha I did consider it, but ebay has it fairly cheap and ordered some already, plus no guarantee of quality I guess from a pencil :)

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