Cool, sounds good.
Got some pics?

Most of the work is invisible but there's the new rims and tyres. Need to start work on the roof rack next
Funny you got STT Pro, I had just searched 'STT Pro' on here when the alert popped up! :D
Taken them off-road yet?
And are those ZU alloys?
Only fitted them yesterday afternoon, out all day laneing on Sunday so will know more then. Initial impressions are its like having steering back on the road after the insas. They wanted to take you offroad even when you didn't, it's like night and day.

Nope they are steel challengers, similar to Mach 5 just half the price. They'll lose their shine soon.
Nope they are steel challengers, similar to Mach 5 just half the price. They'll lose their shine soon.
Sorry my bad.

Only fitted them yesterday afternoon, out all day laneing on Sunday so will know more then. Initial impressions are its like having steering back on the road after the insas. They wanted to take you offroad even when you didn't, it's like night and day.
Goodluck ;)
You should keep the thread updated Press, I'm interested in the progress :)

But looking good, nice to see it a but muddy and I like the wheels. As you say, everything else you've done won't be seen!


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