
New Member
Had an issue with my v8, out Laning on nye all was well and good back on tarmac and facing a big hill I ended up kangaroo to the top no acceleration felt like intermittent ignition or something made it to the top switched it off back on after a quick smoke break and fine all symptoms gone.

The next day off out I go again fine all morning, hit a decent grade on tarmac and kick down seemed to hesitate and change late then up pops mr no power again kangerooing up the hill again, so over I pull off it goes, roll a reef ant try again sorted no issue we’ll so I thought, half a mile later no power won’t accelerate nothing at all and stalls.

The day after I decide to have a nose about and see as it was struggling to start now too poked and prodded a few things and pop she fires leave her to sit running fine off out I go then about a mile away dead again. Read every forum possible usual diagnosis procedure spark fuel air etc. Low if any pressure at the rail .
Check relays and feed to pump etc all good left her she fired again. A mile later back up to temp I’m dead in the water again. Review after review forum after forum all pointing to ecu pulling my hair out now so out with the multi meter checking I go a few hours and a lot of tests later turned out to be the pump in the tank. New one off the shelf for £50 yes £50 I was shocked too and hasn’t missed a beat since. So if your losing power under load when engine gets to temp it’s more than likely your pump not one post came to this conclusion I searched them all so thought I would sign up and share my findings

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