
New Member
What's the easiest cheapest way to replace drums to discs can i do a straight swap for a RR classic axle ??
Fair treck north, I am in Hemel Hempstead. Could get it as far north as Stafford but not soon..
Disco or rrc will do the job john, go for 24 spline diff as 10 are getting harder to find

And yes you can have 10 spline front and 24 rear

Will get hold of sasbob Monday for you see if he has any
Will call you after iv spoke to paddocks for your other parts
Disco or rrc will do the job john, go for 24 spline diff as 10 are getting harder to find

And yes you can have 10 spline front and 24 rear

Will get hold of sasbob Monday for you see if he has any
Will call you after iv spoke to paddocks for your other parts
Cheers Stu missing me landy already lol

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