......... best mate (I was best man at his wedding) was having 'woman trouble' (marriage broke up) so lent him $4500 to settle affairs and come to Aust, had an loan agreement signed and witnessed etc.

When he gets here I put him up for a while whilst he looks for a job and accommodation.

Loaned him my car too to get around (imported V6 Cortina Ghia, mint cond, and rare in these parts!)

He started a job, got about $500 off him for the 'loan', then he moved in with a girl he met :doh:

Lost contact with him, found out he'd moved interstate, and sold MY car (for $4700), and kept the proceeds!!!

Took 2 yrs to track him down only to find he'd died of a heart attack @ 33 years of age!!

So theres $10,000 down the drain!! :mad:
Personally, I'd rather do without than borrow something unless I am abso****inglutely desperate. I once borrowed a trailer and damaged the lightboard, not badly, just a small crack. I returned the trailer to the owner with it's original lightboard still on and a brand new one inside with a wee note of apology.

As for lending, there are few people I will lend to, and none of them would do the dirty on me in any way at all. But I will happily do anything I can to help people I wouldn't lend to who might need my help or my tools etc.

I've just repaired a work colleague's Clarke 175TE Turbo welder which he got in a local auction for a few quid, something like £29. The wire feed wouldn't adjust and was going too slow. I told him to take the PCB out of the macine and pass it on to me. It cost 24p for the part that was fooked. When he asked how much he owed me, I told him not to be silly. My pleasure comes from the expression of total surprise on their faces when they put it back together and it works. It always fascinates me when people are surprised I can do this sort of thing, they seem to think that because I'm a wee, fat, bald, auld, truck driver it's some kind of miracle!
It always fascinates me when people are surprised I can do this sort of thing, they seem to think that because I'm a wee, fat, bald, auld, truck driver it's some kind of miracle!

my g/f is like that!
when i turned our old washing machine into a bbq she looked at me like i was a daft **** that didnt have a clue.
She was wrong, it was brilliant.

on the same note. Just got back from the C4H weekend at Gaydon minus one tent and one airbed. These were last used by a "friend" last year.
The tent came back covered in mud, and soaking wet all stuffed in its bag so I didn't notice for a few months until it started to stink the house out. Pulled it out, dried, aired and cleaned it, slightly ****ed off but not too bad. Pulled it out at the campsite this weekend and began to erect it and noticed three zips broken, no choice but use it then lose it, thanks a lot mate.
Next, inflate airbed. Oh ffs the damn thing keeps going down on me. One of the stoppers is missing.
I think I'll go and see him, and remove his front brake discs he hasn't paid me for yet, see how that pans out!
Oh, and I should have said, on the rare occasions where I borrow off someone, I always treat other people's property far far better than I treat my own.
Great feeling aint it! Worth much more than mere money. :cool:

oh yeashhh!

i do love being right.

her hamsters needed a new cage for months, she saw one last sat for 30quid, told her to wait till tommorrow as we where off to a carboot. no no, i ll buy this one, In the end i convinced her to not buy it.
saw the exact same one at car boot for £4
I had a big smile on my face :)
borrowed my dads welder and bits...

offered to lend me an F and a G clamp.. he was given em years ago by an elderly relative, who ha since passed away.. he's very attached to em..

but i told him to keep em...

he rang me a couple days later too make sure i was lookin after the clamps...

i knew he had them but i checked every where... took me hours.. just in case..

told him i couldnt find em.. he was quite upset...

bout a month later he found em in his garage.. i was so relieved..
I don't mind other people borrowing anything from me but I generally don't let things out of my site.

Mates often come over to work on there motors on my drive and have the run of anything I have in the garage and because it's generally tidy, tool wise, everything comes back. If anything breaks while they use them it doesn't bother me, they are not snap on tools so do break from time to time, I don't make a fuss but they are usually replaced which I am grateful for.

Otherwise if my mates are working on there motors and need anything I will take my tools to them, help them and make sure I bring them all home again.

I also rarely borrow anything, but when I do it's treated well and returned ASAP.
ifi borrow anything it goes straight back soon as ive finished with it..... i even put diesel in the digger i borrowed last weekend....... when i lend anything that dont come back in reasonable time i go and fetch it cos ive got a rush job on i need it for... any **** that takes the **** dont get a second chance.. accidents can happen but lack of care just aint on.

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