
Active Member
Hello, does anyone know why the dipstick on my P38 auto box keeps blowing itself out of the tube by about four inches!
Mine does it too
I figured cos the brackets for the tube was off it vibrates quite a bit when running
And I figure it just works its way up
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Hello, thanks guys, it's not overfilled as I have checked it by the book. Also does anyone know why the g box kicks down to easily and revs very high,but if you let it change up it, it is gutless.
Hello, thanks guys, it's not overfilled as I have checked it by the book. Also does anyone know why the g box kicks down to easily and revs very high,but if you let it change up it, it is gutless.

is it a derv?
my dse did this last year, my local mechanic replaced the rubber seals (o,rings) on the plastic bit that goes into the tube and alls good
are you making sure it is pushed right down as mine did this until I pushed it right down and my dipstick has clips on the plastic handle at the top which clip onto the dipstick tube to stop it coming out
4" is quite a bit. I would worry that the crankcase might be getting pressurised. Could just be something to do with a breather, or leaking past the pistons (ouch!)
The dipstick on my 300tdi Auto kept pushing the dipstick up and at the same time I had issues with it holding in gear too long, and generally not feeling right.

The I used a small tie wrap to pull the clips in and hold the tube in place and my gearbox works normally now.
mine has same issue but blowing oil out of breather hole onside of dipstick also is there anything to clean blocked breathers i.e additive ?????????????

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