Jumper in my defender this morning (200tdi disco engine conversion with the original defender alternator on it)

dim red battery light on permanently - wont go out even if you rev it

only goes out when ignition is off

my guess is a diode pack gone ..... thoughts guys

anyone bought a alternator off ebay - one of the ones for 65AMP 50-60 quid mark ?

OK, let's start at the beginning.
The light is fed by 12V from the ignition switch, which then goes to the small pin on the alternator.
If the light remains on, check the following;
Check the fan belt
Check that the connection to the spade is clean and sound
I had a similar problem with mine and a squirt of switch cleaner cured it.
Hope this helps.
same ^^

Mine was a loose connection.

When it snowed boxing day i dashed out n the bat light came on, i had sheered my alt belt, swapped at the side of the road and carried on, got bat light on again, thought something was ripping em apart. so carried on and then finally decided to have a look, belt was going fine, touched the connector on the alt n it sorted it...

long story but yeh....

connector on alt lol.
If you have checked all the connections I would agree its the diode pack. When I had these symptoms that what it turned out to be. There are rebuild kits available, I was going get one and do it myself but in the end bought an uprated 100amp one.
Hello everyone

thanks for the replies - i haven't had chance to look yet as friends just gone home from new year .... will look tomorrow and give an update although i did have a 'fiddle' quickly with the terminals to see if any were loose which they wern't and the light was still on

more pressing at the moment is my disco 11 alarm has decided to just start randomly going off now ...... bloody landies !!!

Happy new year all

Update .... Removed both small and big terminals .... Both were tight

Cleaned ..... Both weren't bad and refitted

Still the same

Think ill just buy a new full alternator unless someone has an old regulator :D
To close this one off - the end fix was a knackered alternator ..... if i had the time i would have just changed the brush / diode pack as i'm sure this was all that was wrong but i needed the car running so about 60 quid off EBAY later and it was done

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