dr pepper

New Member
Can anyone tell me the diffo's between a series 2 and 3 109, 'cept for the engine, box and front wings, I suspect that my 109 series 3 is actually a series 2 in disguise with series 3 wings and engine/box.
For IIA: All metal dash; No sunchro on 1st and 2nd; clutch slave cylinder on O.S. Door hinges have a ball between upper and lower parts; Diff pinion oil seal housings unbolt from rest of diff; Rear axle has Rover diff (probably); Brake lights incorporate numberplate light; There are some detail differences in the chassis too cross members under the flywheel housings are different as are the front flexible brake hose brakets. You can work out what it is from the chassis number too.

Have you finished your 300Tdi conversion yet Dr. Pepper?
It has a combination of all those.
No idea what she is, the vin ties up with the V5 thats all I can tell.
Some stuff is mil, like the fan blades, and susp hangers.
Spose its not to be worried about, old buses like this get a combination of bits from other vehicles.
Nope 300 tdi not finished yet, getting grief from t'other half.
my old series 3 was so early in the production run that it had a few 2a parts fitted,i guess they were just using up old stock.

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