Well all’s well that ends well (as someone once said), but there was a bit of swearing on the way. It seems that the flange on the new ‘improved’ pinion hub rubs on the nose of the diff which was what was causing me my problems. Mike from Britannica discovered the same thing. If your fitting one, bear it in mind.


I made a couple of tools up on the way - in Kent if anyone wants to use them ever.
If you’re keen on authenticity, I made the brake pipe retaining bands from the old clips and some stainless cable ties that I cut down.
Thanks to all who chipped in with advice.
Merry nearly Christmas,
Only ever done one.
On a Mk1 Cortina, lying under it in my garden at the time.
Had to replace the pinion seal, so took it to bits, then put it all back together only replacing the seal. Don't remember marking it, just a guy who ran a garage who simply said, "just do it up tight".
As I began to (over) crush the old crushable bit, I heard it squeak, so I stopped.
It ran OK until I scrapped it about a year later.
Bit of a "hum in the bum" though.

I've learned a lot since then;):(:):):)

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