well,the diff turned out to be duff,it was a 10 spline,so no further forward,but was starting to think about it,and cv joints came to mind,could this be a possibility?sorry for sounding like a thick **** but if you dont ask,youll never learn,cheers guys...

ok guys,ive took the front prop off and driven the car and noise is still there,rules out front diff,took rear prop off driven it,noise still there,that rules out rear diff,so where do i go from here,transfer box out put bearing possible?or clutch release bearing even?.thanks again lads...

all oils have been done again...

Fine metal bits on the magnetic gearbox sump plug are quite normal - bigger lumps of metal when you drain the oil are not

Similarly metal in the oil drained from the transfer box is not a good sign

james knows more than I ever will (x about 8), but I guess he's asking what you found in the oil if you've only recently changed
if good practice been carried outwhen changing oil it should come out cleanish ,put over long between services means its dirty, likewise if bits of metal or a sheen in the oil it would indicate somethings very worn inside the box and needs looking at, drain plugs maywell have a little fillings on them as normal,removing props 90% of the time proves diffs allright but its not conclusive but along with oil condition etc helps diagnose ,you can remove t/box sump and feel or play from loose/worn bearings
when you took the front prop off and drove it, did you leave the half shafts in. If so then the diff would still be turning. You need to remove the half shafts aswell as the prop
not the way i would do it ,yes diff still turns but weight has been removed thus making it quieter, if you wanted to stop diff turning just remove drive members and dont go far
apart from what you"s have said about taking halfshafts out and drive members off,would it be a good idea to change the diff pinion outer bearing and transfer box output bearing,if not just to eliminate any more possibilities?
since ive took the props off and replaced them,it seems to be getting worse,and its consistent with engine speed not road speed...
i hate to start confusing the issue with other issues,but it only started when t belt got changed,lol...
that might actually work as you could still probably hear it above engine noise and cab noise even recorded from my phone or a palm cam as i dont have a regular tape recorder lol..

gonna try that at at earliest convenience,great idea mate

james, it only does it while driving,not stood still
nrgserv,dont know what tension the belt was set at,but i would have thought a specialist would know what its supposed to be set at(hmmm)..
sorry this is getting long winded and i appreciate all you help as i aint no expert..

does the whine change note as you go up thru the gears, or follow road speed and just get progressivley louder/higher?

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