
New Member
I have a 1990 110 with sailsbury axels and I am currently looking at buying some diff lockers for her. I heard that the detroits are pretty good and you can just fit and forget. But is it worth spending a bit more and getting the arb set up. And where is the best/cheapest place to buy them both.

Merry mud slinging
Depends on what you want it for. ARB's are great in even the softest, boggiest terrain. But their achilles heel is that they require a seperate compressor, with all the wiring and piping, which is liable to damage from concealed rocks and branches etc. Detroits are equally good in the muddy stuff, less susceptible to damage from external objects and are fit & forget. But on the road they can produce some handling issues, especially in the wet, and are not really suited to 90's. They can also cause accelerated wear on transmission components. Another option is to fit an LSD in one or both axles. These are not as effective as full lockers in really gloopy stuff, but unless you are going to extremes, they are perfectly adequate, and a huge improvent over standard open diffs. They are also extremely good on road, giving much improved traction, with none of the issues of the locking diffs. I am running LSD's in each axle, which combined with good AT/MT's, have alway kept me moving. Although having said that, If I were ever to tackle any seriously boggy stuff, then a vehicle with full lockers would be a better prospect, but for me, the cost of full lockers is too high to pay for something I am ever likely to use to it's full potential. Besides which, I always carry a Tirfor just in case things do go tits up.
If i could afford a locker, or a set of lockers front and rear I'd go ARB, KAM then Detroits in that order of preference.

I prefer to have some control over when they are locked, and not have them dropping in and out of lock as and when they want .. I want my diff locked or not, my choice!

Frankly I think it's something LR should have done from day 1 .. or added as a factory fit option.
ARB's are weak by design, plastic parts poor seals and generally unreliable.

KAM I would have said yay but after seeing more than 2 motors running KAM I think I'll stay away from them all together they use their own parts so you can't just refit a landy shaft when it goes tits up.

Detroit I have one great Salisbury one is perfrct Rover ones in recent years have had issues I wouldn;t buy a rover one from anywhere. Salisbury as I said great but you cannot expet the car to drive as it did on road but in a 110 it won't be bad.

ASHCROFT Locker Now they have addressed all the issues with the ARB more engagement metal parts and removed the parts that made them leak air. I would go Detroit or ASH locker

When arbs are used in comps HARD they fail simple, in the last 5 years I have seen most probably 12 fail. Not for me!

Kam Seem to be better but you mess about with the casings and IMO not worth it as you need lots of extras. I do like solonoid engagement tho!

Ash locker seems to be the best in the market but quite pricey

Cheers everyone I think I might just fit the Detroit on the back for now due to lack of funds then go from there maybe put a trutrak on the front when I have saved some more pennies.
I was never to keen on the arb I had heard quite a few bad things about them and Ashcroft are a bit out of my price range at the moment.
Many thanks
Mud slingers r us
Strange I've not heard a lot bad about ARB's, but then I've only spoke to people with them actually fitted!

Hadn't thought of Ashcrofts, I thought they'd gone out of business .. shows how long I've been out of the Landy scene .. only a year, ish .. ;)
My money would go Ashcroft all day long but I am a cheapskate so Detroit wins on cost. Truetrac will one day go in the front of mine. Bro has just brought a pair of Ashcroft lockers and thy are nice they claim 600 units and No failures if that's true then it's amazing most comp trucks running 37 inch tyres and take serious abuse. An arb has its weak points which for general p and p and the odd bit of laning will be fine hd use they seem to not be all that great.
As Jai said Ashcrofts have a zero failure rate at the moment and alot of guys doing comps seem to be replacing there ARB's with Ashcrofts own locker.

There cheaper aswell!

Try this link instead:
Ashcroft Transmissions

ARB's are weak by design, plastic parts poor seals and generally unreliable.

KAM I would have said yay but after seeing more than 2 motors running KAM I think I'll stay away from them all together they use their own parts so you can't just refit a landy shaft when it goes tits up.

Detroit I have one great Salisbury one is perfrct Rover ones in recent years have had issues I wouldn;t buy a rover one from anywhere. Salisbury as I said great but you cannot expet the car to drive as it did on road but in a 110 it won't be bad.

ASHCROFT Locker Now they have addressed all the issues with the ARB more engagement metal parts and removed the parts that made them leak air. I would go Detroit or ASH locker

When arbs are used in comps HARD they fail simple, in the last 5 years I have seen most probably 12 fail. Not for me!

Kam Seem to be better but you mess about with the casings and IMO not worth it as you need lots of extras. I do like solonoid engagement tho!

Ash locker seems to be the best in the market but quite pricey

never ever seen any arb fail in competition/challenges

its all down to preference.those that have detroits will of course say detroits are better,those that have arb ....you get the picture
My money would go Ashcroft all day long but I am a cheapskate so Detroit wins on cost. Truetrac will one day go in the front of mine. Bro has just brought a pair of Ashcroft lockers and thy are nice they claim 600 units and No failures if that's true then it's amazing most comp trucks running 37 inch tyres and take serious abuse. An arb has its weak points which for general p and p and the odd bit of laning will be fine hd use they seem to not be all that great.
why would u need lockers when laneing:eek:

i know of 8 challenge landys running arbs and 3 have 38" boggers never seen an arb fail on them,

detroits are for more road biased vehicles you dont have manual control over the locker,with arb etc u decide as and when u want the locker on/off
Detroits are for more road going vehicles I tend to disagree. They have proved themselves Offroad Salisbury type are strong very strong! There disadvantage is that they can not go back to a fully unlocked state as a road vehicle should be.

Arb have plenty of bumpf and marketing Ashcroft have taken the weak parts of the arb and simply sorted them!

Arbs are not bullet proof as detroits are they have weakness with air seals very common. Also seen and helped strip out pulled apart myself 3 said arbs from local comps all had let to and re engaged causing internal damage that was uneconomical to repair!

Never would I buy a arb unless it was cheap v cheap
Might have to get some ashcrofts when funds are available. Not for me just so I can pull jms out when he gets stuck in a puddle with his 22" tyres.

Don't go crying to daddy when I wipe it up with your face

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