Chris Jones

New Member
I recently bought a '96 V8i ES auto (on a P plate) and, as it has never previously been used offroad, the transfer box is sticky as hell! I can now get low ratio engaged, though it doesn't always stay there, but the diff lock just won't work. I can push the lever over, and even get the light on if I really waggle it about, but the diff just won't lock. I don't fancy paying the £100+ that I was quoted for freeing the linkages so would appreciate any 'how-to' input from the forum...

Many thanks.

My Difflock was the same when I got my 89 SE Auto, Solution was to get under it blast the linkages with hose and WD40 (or the like) now all is fine

(what does the difflock really do)

Stops me sliding around on shallow slopes whilst wearing my road-biased rubber!!! I'll get under the car tomorrow; despite having been bought primarily as a road going car (my D90 does the hard work!!!) the disco has been offroad already, and certainly will do again. Having all the toys working would be a comfort here and there...


HA, HA!!! Done! A morning well spent, which has resulted in my diff lock working. Reckon I'll have to use it regularly to really free it up properly, and keep chucking the lubrication up in there, but looks like I'll be able to get up and down hills now (the REALLY steep ones!!!)...

Thanks Charlotte.


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