
New Member
Hi all,

Clutch fork went in my 200tdi the other week, mechanic i used opted for sliding gearbox back method! Anyway long story shot he disconected all the diff lock linkages and did the clutch then we assembled it and hey prest new clutch! But it was to good to be true..... After trying to engage diff lock a few days after nothing happens, no light on dash, no diff lock, nothing!

I have taken the tunnel off and tried adjusting the center pin to give more leverage on the diff lock spoggot but no luck, even tried engaging it while crawling along!

Anyone got any ideas? Thanks guys
even tried engaging it while crawling along!

You can engage difflock at any time as long as no wheels are spinning - even at 50 mph if you want. You should not use in on hard surface with no give in them though.

It sounds like an adjustment issue to me. There are a couple of good videos on youtube about adjusting your diff linkage.

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