Don't know if it's still relevant, but I think I've found the diff lock sender.

If you take the floor up under the middle front seat or what have you, it's directly under the high/low ratio linkage rod, and a sod to get at.
Query Re-the Series vehicles
No such luck and they don't have diff lock, your gerdunk levers take care of 2wd and 4fwd and a sepoerate slecter lever for lo and hi.

On my 85 90 the sender switch is in the housing similar to the reverse light switch. hope that helps...oh and yes axle wind up is a nightmare!
Moving the transfer lever in or out of diff lock merely invites the difflock to engage/disengage.
Reversing/driving in the opposite direction will usually release the tension, however you can always drive off a kerb at speed or accelerate hard in a streight line and change gear quickly.

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