
Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Still bumbling along with my 90 rebuild. I have spent the last few evenings faffing around with the diff lock.

Nearly sorted but not quite......replaced the diff lock switch which now works fine but having problems getting the travel on the operating rods. There is a fair amount of play in the linkages which is probably not helping things. Replaced the little plastic spacers which reduced play.

Under the diff lock gear lever is a 3mm thick steel plate, the plate has a cut out which looks like it prevents excessive lever movement to the left or right?

If this plate had a slightly larger cut out I can get sufficient travel and correct operation of the diff lock lever (in and out). With the plate fitted the diff lock lever just stops short of engaging.

Was wondering, has anyone come across this before? Should I open out the cut out to allow increased operating range??? any comments appreciated

you can just remove plate if you want ,or pull that pivot pin out of diff linkage and adjust eye pivot bolt to suit
Thanks, think I'll lose the plate. Can't seem to get the necessary movement on the linkage/eyebolt unless I do.
Hi - I just had the same problem - removed the plate and filed out the left hand edge to give more travel. Lever works fine now.
I had all sorts of issues when I fiddled with mine during the full rebuild and restoration. Diff lock wouldn't engage or disengage cleanly, useing a multimeter to check via the switch contacts.
It will engage/disengage as sweet as a nut when driving though I found, if your testing it at a standstill, engine off, you may not actually have a fault at all?

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