
Well-Known Member

I've had a quick search and can't find much, but when I go into diff lock I get nothing, just pure revs of nothing. No grinding, no rattling from transfer box.

Any common issues I should lookout for before taking the thing out?

LT77 gearbox, 300tdi engine

Thanks in advance
Stiff /sloppy linkage not engaging properly would be the first guess. I take it it works fine low/high out of diff lock?

If I understand you, when you engage diff-lock (stick to left) you get no drive, but unlocked you get drive ?
As per Mr @marjon then, your linkage is sloppy and its not rotating the lever far enough..
Take the centre cover off and you will see it on top of the LT230.
Heres the lever ... it's the bit on the bottom, with the linkage

Hi - Lo -Diff Lock Linkages_movement.jpg


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What year is your defender ?
1990 ?
Well it's not that common as it's the first time in 33 years :cool:
What year is your defender ?
1990 ?
Well it's not that common as it's the first time in 33 years :cool:

1990, however previous owner done some **** to it in the past.. i forgot the name.. where you throw tons of defender bits together from other things like discoveries etc.. please remind me :homer:
1990, however previous owner done some **** to it in the past.. i forgot the name.. where you throw tons of defender bits together from other things like discoveries etc.. please remind me :homer:

Pigs ear, bitsa', bodge job, mash up, hodgepodge, gallimaufry, salmagundi...or a right old mess ;)

As per @miktdish , remove tunnel + clean up the years of crud baked to the hi/lo & difflok linkages and the top of the gearbox [hot soapy water and Gunk is your friend for this], clean with brake cleaner/free up and grease up linkages and adjust as per Mike Britannica's video.
Engaging diff-lock shouldn't make it go out of high or low range.
The lever itself may be fouling on something- enough to move it forward or backward and disengage drive.
I've had a quick search and can't find much, but when I go into diff lock I get nothing, just pure revs of nothing. No grinding, no rattling from transfer box.
Are you sure you are trying difflock and not attempting to put it in low range? Diff lock will not disengage any drive.
Are you sure you are trying difflock and not attempting to put it in low range? Diff lock will not disengage any drive.
Engaging diff-lock shouldn't make it go out of high or low range.
The lever itself may be fouling on something- enough to move it forward or backward and disengage drive.

To get from unlock to diff lock many will follow the H gate and take the LT230 into neutral, to move stick over to lock position then select low or high. As opposed to just moving the stick to the left.

But at the end of the day if it doesn't do its full travel it could be left in the middle of lock/unlock, or the low/high also has an issue.

But I am sure we can all agree that the linkage is probably worn/stuck and needs looking at :).

Will let you guys know the outcome this weekend when i get the chance to have a look, thanks for the help.. I have the feeling linkage is just stuck and refusing to budge

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