
New Member
Hi All

Recently got my first ever Land Rover, loving every minute of it.

However, yesterday I was filling her up (for the second time) and was somewhat concerned when it was pointed out to me that there was diesel pouring out of from the back of the vehicle. It was going for a good minute or two and left a sizeable puddle in the forecourt. The diesel was 2p/litre cheaper than my local garage so I did brim the tank, pulling the gun out after the auto cut off on each occasion. There was no leakage from the filler cap, there is no sign of any further leak that I can see and I didn't get this the first time I filled her up.

Read some bits here and there about 'not overfilling', 'fuel leak off pipe' etc, so is this a trait of Defenders triggered by me brimming the tank or is there a problem that I should be speaking to the dealer about before the 3 months is up? I can't see any posts about people having had the same experience so guessing I need to be taking action!?

I'm pretty green when it comes to anything mechanical so any advice appreciated!

Dealers problem, either you have a slit pipe or tank
Sorry on a mobile an posted wrong thread- get dealer to sort your fuel leak
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If it's a 110 the tank is mounted at the rear and the sender is mounted through the side of the tank. The seal goes. (Mine did it on a Euro Tunnel train.) You won't be able to see the seal but you should be able to see a nice clean patch down the side of the tank and underneath where the diesel leaked if that's the problem. It lives behind the nearside rear wheel. Welcome to the world beneath Land Rovers!

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