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So with UK government publishing its paper on air pollution, and diesel drivers now being considered as something really dirty and harmful to society, the talk is of another scrappage scheme to get our vehicles off the road.

Unless the government going pay for whole new car for me no way I could swap to low emission car and for me electric car be hopeless when do long distant driving.
I would love to go electric, but range before needing a charge is not nearly enough. There are not enough charging points and you would have to plan your journey like a military manoeuvre to ensure you can get to a charging point.
Cost is very prohibitive at the moment.
I agree.

But I bet they will start taxing us off the roads instead. All in the name of being green... forgetting about all the unnecessary landfill, and new emissions manufacturing a new vehicle will create.

What makes me angry too is that this has come about from a fine from the EU about the air being too dirty. But it was one of the EU's biggest car manufacturers, VW, that deliberately made software to lower the NO2 emissions when the thought is was under test conditions, to pass the tests and deceive everyone. Why as VW been able to get away with such corporate lies, and damage to the environment, which if the reports on the health are to be believed, is leading to people being killed off early as a result of these emissions.

Anyway. Off my soap box for today!!!

When I'm having to pay through the nose for running a dirty car in future. Me sees a healthy market for k-series Freelanders again :)
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Another point is electricity is still produced using fossil fuels in the UK any pollution saving just be passed on further down line in extra electricity production.
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I agree.

But I bet they will start taxing us off the roads instead. All in the name of being green... forgetting about all the unnecessary landfill, and new emissions manufacturing a new vehicle will create.

What makes me angry too is that this has come about from a fine from the EU about the air being too dirty. But it was one of the EU's biggest car manufacturers, VW, that deliberately made software to lower the NO2 emissions when the thought is was under test conditions, to pass the tests and deceive everyone. Why as VW been able to get away with such corporate lies, and damage to the environment, which if the reports on the health are to be believed, is leading to people being killed off early as a result of these emissions.

Anyway. Off my soap box for today!!!

When I'm having to pay through the nose for running a dirty car in future. Me sees a healthy market for k-series Freelanders again :)

Most of what we read is hype from the press. I ignore it myself.
V6 Freelander all the way!!!
Me sees a healthy market for k-series Freelanders again

Still being thumped with VED first. Still they dont get it the in regards to the emissions it the output of the exhaust fumes thats at fault not the car or engine. We need oil refineries to produce the cleaner diesel or a government recognised manufacture to produce a third party exhaust system to clean the emissions. Latter part can be imposed on diesel drivers as a modification cover under insurance and equally certified by MOT stations.
Another point is electricity is still produced using fossil fuels in the UK any pollution saving just be passed on further down line in extra electricity production.

Not just the UK either. Most EU countries produce electricity by burning fossil fuel.

Are they going to regulate aeroplanes?. Those are responsible for sending millions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere every year. Yet they are never mentioned in clean air bills. Ships are a much cleaner way to transport large numbers of people round the globe. So why aren't they made the preferred choice for intercontinental transport.
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If I convert my Td5 to lectrick, how many pp3 batteries will I need in order to get from 0 - 60 this week? And, will I have to wire them in parallel or series o_O
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I'm not sure VW got away with anything, fined more than 4bn and senior execs have recently been charged with fraud. Total costs to VW are estimated to be €18bn.

The Government don't want to tax us off the road, they want us to buy new cars. It's effectively a bung to the motor industry without compromising the 'market forces' mantra.
As far as I'm aware the UK government has not taken any legal action against the VW group. (And probably won't, with Brexit)

My point is that the UK is being hit with an EU fine over excessive NO2 emissions in cities. Yet one of the EU's biggest car manufacturers sold its vehicles here (and elsewhere) claiming they met the limits, by frigging the tests. So the UK has lots of the vehicles on the roads here, and now we are getting threatened with a fine for the air not meeting the EU quality standards. So surely VW's fraudulent practice has had a part to play in the air quality being poorer than what we were all lead to believe it would be by using their vehicles. And now, the UK government (i.e. The tax payer) has to pick up the cost for this not being the case, and the fraudsters have got away with it, as far as UK PLC is concerned.

In the US there was no messing!

Not saying the whole issue is down to VW group, but lieing about what their cars kicked out hasn't helped matters.

Re annual road tax, I can still see it being quite feasible for government to raise the duty on older 'more polluting' vehicles, to 'encourage' owners to ditch them, and buy a newer less polluting car.

As others have said, electric doesn't solve the problem either. OK it gets rid of the localised NO2 build up in cities. But the CO2 gets pumped out further up the chain. And then there is all the nasties in the batteries themselves.

As Nodge says V6 is the way to go! :)
Not many filling stations sell that. I had a volvo estate back in the 90's and that had an LPG tank in the boot.
I never found anywhere that sold LPG so always ran it on petrol.
Not many filling stations sell that. I had a volvo estate back in the 90's and that had an LPG tank in the boot.
I never found anywhere that sold LPG so always ran it on petrol.

That depends on where you live. There are 2 LPG supplying petrol stations within 3 miles of my house, here in mid Cornwall.
when they stop sending rockets up that do a lot of damage and making these batteries for electric cars that also do damage and stop air planes and stop all car racing and all the likes then I will start listening to me it is another way to rip of diesel motorist but hang on a few years ago the government said diesel was the way to go.
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