
New Member
Hi All,
Have any of you guys had or are thinking about an LPG conversion on you Diesel Discovery's.
I have just started to look into this and from what I can tell you get a 25% increase in performance and 30% saving on fuel.

Your views on this would be appreciated,

Diesel combusts at about 360 psi and the engine operates on compression not spark plugs. I dont know of any LPG that will operate/combust on compression.
I don't know how it works but if you type in google "diesel LPG" you will see I am right about this.

there was one on Autotrader about 4 months or so ago - they are pretty rare but it appears it can be done - I think they mix the fuel rather than the car being able to run on one or the other.

At least that's how the articles and things i've seen appear to read :confused:


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