As a wee test, click on the link Brian put up, the 'address' for the item will be in the search bar...(don't erase it) just put your cursor over it and left click (once) to highlight it blue...
then press Ctrl + C (it's now saved)... write your post and press Ctrl + V, et voila, job jobbed.
Such a clever ass:rolleyes:
As a wee test, click on the link Brian put up, the 'address' for the item will be in the search bar...(don't erase it) just put your cursor over it and left click (once) to highlight it blue...
then press Ctrl + C (it's now saved)... write your post and press Ctrl + V, et voila, job jobbed.
Not on my tablet it isn't.:D:D
Tank breather is a rubber hose on top of the tank, it comes through above the chassis right by the top of those curly wurly brake pipes , the drivers side one, and attaches with a hose clip to a moulded plastic franger which runs up towards the filler cap, hidden by the arch liner.
Your talents are a legendary whisper on the tongue of us mere mortals :p


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