
Hi All

Can someone tell me how much pressure should come out the breather cap, oil filler or dipstick pipe obviously if removed. What is considered to be normal.

Also, could just a blown head gasket in some cases cause this.

I seem to have quite a bit, and just wondering if it can only be down to worn rings bores etc. Don't mind if it is, just means I need to get on and do it, as if the heads off, I'm half way there anyway.

Would appreciate your comments.

Many thanks
Head gasket could excess pressure but you would expect mayonnaise as well and probably exhaust fumes
Bores/rings could cause it. It there any smoke from the breather?
Dunno what's normal really. If the cap was just resting on the edge, there is enough air movement to dislodge it but you shouldnt notice any air blowing past them when seated.

Unless there are other symptoms , wouldn't worry about it. What about doing a compression test to set your mind at ease (or scare the crap out of you)
How well is the motor performing?Do you feel its down on power when driven?has oil consumption gone up?If running and driving ok and not much smoke then some heavy breathing to be expected on an old motor.
If the rings are bollixed you will have quite a lot of pressure, mine was blowing the dipstick out when I got him!! :eek: :)
Thanks for the comments people.

To answer all comments, There is a bit of smoke coming from the breather, I was surprised by the lack of oil when I checked it recently,bearing in mind I had checked if fairly recently too, it does seem to be running fine, although possibly slightly down on power.

It does smoke on start up, blue smoke, but then clears, but it does kick out some black smoke when going along, especially when you put your toe down hard. I understand this could be timing. Can anyone tell me if i should try retarding or advancing the pump, and if so which way is which.

I'm probably just being a bit of a ponce and wanting every perfect, which doesn't happen on these old girls does it. :)

I'll strip it down when weve had all the snow that hopefully were going to get, dont want to miss out on the fun.
Thanks for the comments people.

To answer all comments, There is a bit of smoke coming from the breather, I was surprised by the lack of oil when I checked it recently,bearing in mind I had checked if fairly recently too, it does seem to be running fine, although possibly slightly down on power.

It does smoke on start up, blue smoke, but then clears, but it does kick out some black smoke when going along, especially when you put your toe down hard. I understand this could be timing. Can anyone tell me if i should try retarding or advancing the pump, and if so which way is which.

I'm probably just being a bit of a ponce and wanting every perfect, which doesn't happen on these old girls does it. :)

I'll strip it down when weve had all the snow that hopefully were going to get, dont want to miss out on the fun.

If your oil is dissapearing, you probably have worn rings, it's common..
You shouldn't have much smoke, doesn't matter how old it is..
Pretty much bank on doing the rings, big ends, and possibly main bearings and get the injectors checked as well..:)

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