
New Member

Just fitted recon? injector pump to our "new" 88. bought as a non runner but all that was needed was pump fiitng........

Timed flywheel at 13 degrees, set pump to "a" mark all which lined up with pump drive gear.

Reconnected everything and hand pump did not appear to be working so spun the starter a few times after which primer pump started working. Then managed to get fuel to the filter and in turn the injector pump. The injector pump appears to be leaking fuel from the top casing so took the top off and changed the rubber seal from the old pump. Still seems to be a bit of leak and despite turning the engine over for long periods no suggestion that it wants to run. Took an injector pipe off and nothing coming through. Beginning to think the "recon" pump has had it. Disconnected the stop cable just in case that had anything to do with it.

Any ideas as been on it all day without success?

Many thanks for any replies

Cheers from a diesel 88 novice:confused:
take it back a as it leaked b as when they test them it is at a greater speed than you get cranking a 21/4 over on starter, ive had them that test allright but wont get any fuel to injector on the car

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