James W

Active Member
Sorry if this is common knowledge, but I though I'd share! :rolleyes:

Flicking through the owner's manual before, I found out that what looks like towing loops on the front and rear chassis of the FL (not the ones sticing through the bumper) aparrently must not be used for towing/recovery!

Accoriding to the book, they are for lashing the vehicle to a transporter (like that ever happens ;) ) and you must only ever use the eyes that poke through the bumpers for towing/recovery.

My rear one seems to have snapped off before I took ownership of the vehicle so I hope I never have to tow anyone!

Does everyone else already know this? I had always seen the points (particularly the rear ones) and thought "That'll be a strong point to get winched, etc. on!" :eek:

I think they're actually called "lashing eyes" and I was aware they were NOT to be used for towing. I was also under the impression that the ones that protude through the bumbers must not be used for towing either.
The ones underneath are for lashing hence the name lashing eye and the ones through the bumper ARE for towing but NOT recovery and thats where the difference is folks, its all in the words!
tim o north said:
The ones underneath are for lashing hence the name lashing eye and the ones through the bumper ARE for towing but NOT recovery and thats where the difference is folks, its all in the words!

What's the diference between towing and recovery? Could it be recovery is pulling a stranded motor out of a tricky situation, muddy field maybe?
Make me wise :D
marksurry said:
What's the diference between towing and recovery? Could it be recovery is pulling a stranded motor out of a tricky situation, muddy field maybe?
Make me wise :D
You are wise Mark. . . :D
willo said:
Mind you as then you'll be a "wise guy" ....;)
I'm just trying ta make him feel part of the site as he's a bit lost since he got shot of the beast [v6 that is] . . . .:rolleyes:
ming said:
I'm just trying ta make him feel part of the site as he's a bit lost since he got shot of the beast [v6 that is] . . . .:rolleyes:

Can you blame him ?? After I've seen his behaviour since he 'had' to get rid of his Hippo I just hope I'll never end up in his situation..:D :D
willo said:
Can you blame him ?? After I've seen his behaviour since he 'had' to get rid of his Hippo I just hope I'll never end up in his situation..:D :D
Yes your right Willo it is like drinking a fine wine ,then having a glass of plonk. . . .:D
ming said:
Yes your right Willo it is like drinking a fine wine ,then having a glass of plonk. . . .:D

Not that I would call a Mondeo to be plonk, but then, who am I ??;) :D :D
yella disco said:
what mondo and slurry too ;)

:eek: Wow hang on yella dont remember offerin to pick mark up.:D
I'm tecking the wife.
not that I'd mind. But av yer seen the stuff wimin NEED for a few days away:rolleyes:
we should have more details by the weekend, we are waiting on the ferry companies, see who will give us the best deal and the definate answers to a few queries from the centre. ;)

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