I know everyone has their favourite diagnostics machine. i've been using the one up at my local independent garage, and paying £10 each time.

I was wondering if anyone has one they would be willing to lend for a few days in exchange for beer or a bit of cash? this way I can play for a bit, see if the fault is sorted, and go again!

I know this is me being a bit cheap, trying to avoid spending the cash on a fault mate, but if anyone is able to help - give me a shout?

Much thanks
I resisted the expense of Nanocom for a while too. Honestly, it's the best purchase for the p38 you'll make as it makes life so much easier. Chasing ghosts otherwise.
am I right in thinking that they are locked to one vehicle?
Locked to one 'type' of vehicle, i.e. GEMS, THOR, BOSCH but can be used on multiple vehicles of the same 'type'.

Additional licenses can be bought to unlock multiple 'types' on the same device.

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