
Hi All,

I’m ordering either a Nanocom or the HawkEye on Tuesday, but would like to know the pros and cons of each if you don’t mind (would be great to hear from SierraFery).

I like the look of the Nanocom in terms of ‘usability’, but hands on feedback would be great.
I have them both as to cover each's weak side :cool:

IMO nanocom is smarter and has more capabilities but it can have some ''glitches" in relation with the ACE and SLABS as to give wrong fault codes and with the BCU it used to change settings without request but it can program used fobs based on the short code and record live data logs which hawkeye can't while hawkeye is a bit rudimentary but 100% reliable with all the systems... your choice
I have them both as to cover each's weak side :cool:

IMO nanocom is smarter and has more capabilities but it can have some ''glitches" in relation with the ACE and SLABS as to give wrong fault codes and with the BCU it used to change settings without request but it can program used fobs based on the short code and record live data logs which hawkeye can't while hawkeye is a bit rudimentary but 100% reliable with all the systems... your choice

I’m very grateful Sir, thank you.

Based on that, I think it is HawkEye then.

Do need any special plugs for D2? It’s not clear on their website?
I’m nothing but pleased with my nanocom. It’s very easy to use and very intuitive.

Excellent service and delivery, kept up to date via email throughout.

Once I got it the only instructions I needed was to input the licence codes but it hat is easy enough to do.

Half an hour sat in my truck and I’d checked/cleared all fault codes and am confident with using it as needed. Can’t fault it so far.
Just out of interest Sierrafery, what oscilloscope do you have? Hand held, laptop or both?

For me, it is time to embrace the technology under the bonnet and get the tools to adequately repair/diagnose said technology.

I have seen massive variants of pricing. This is for personal use only, but an affordable scope that is fit for purpose would be great. I don’t have a Windows laptop (yet...!).
I’m nothing but pleased with my nanocom. It’s very easy to use and very intuitive.

Excellent service and delivery, kept up to date via email throughout.

Once I got it the only instructions I needed was to input the licence codes but it hat is easy enough to do.

Half an hour sat in my truck and I’d checked/cleared all fault codes and am confident with using it as needed. Can’t fault it so far.
Shame you don't live closer cos you could have sorted mine out :p
I have Nanocom Evo bought a year ago. Nice, easy to use but mine is very unstable. Frozen many times (even after several software upgrades).
Maybe just mine....

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