
Active Member
Hi guys

I have been reading about the various diagnostic / fault code reading solutions that some of you use for your freelanders.

So far I have not come across anything that is readily available and has the same sort of diagnostic power as BMW's DIS or INPA.

Admittedly DIS and INPA are BMW software packages that have been adapted for use on a laptop to allow very advanced system diagnosis.

Does the same sort of system exist for the freelander ??
Sort of a jailbreaked (or maybe jailbroken) Testbook software that will work with an OBD to USD cable and a laptop ???

thanks for your comments

on early mg's we use a t-300 not sure if they use it on freelanders it not only does rover's but many other cars as well also does the key fobs
mainly used as it works on cars before 2001 as well as later models
there is a guy on another forum and on ebay that sells the extra lead you need for it to work on a rover
I'm interested in getting diagnostic hardware / software for my 2000 Freelander perhaps we could Share info as we get ?
i have put the question up on another forum that had a freelander section i am a member of to see if any have used the t-300
i will be getting one for my mg and will test it on a freelander when i get one later in the year
Interesting thought.

Actually I was thinking of perhaps linking up my version of INPA / NCSExpert to the landy to see if I can get it to communicate with the immobiliser system given that it's made by BMW. The idea being... can I code a key to the car and save paying my local stealer to do it!
Testbook also called T4
Hawkeye does Freelanders but it's licensed per model type. F1, F2, and D3 are all different model types. Can't do everything T4 can.
You could look at black box solutions but not sure which one can do Freelanders and to what extent.

If you want everything then you need T4 which does everything, but thats expensive.
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