Heavy Breather

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of using old engine oil as fuel in my 200tdi, i think i can get a useful supply BUT it may have some water and petrol mixed in, i'm assuming the petrol will vapourise off if left ventilated, i may be wrong, but how do i get rid of the water?
I know a couple of you guys have been using engine oil for a while (Shifty & Charsley your input would be greatly appreciated) as would any advice from anybody else.

You could try a Raycor Seperator but the cost would outweigh the benefit unless you have a huge supply of fuel...
Its just for my own use so as little expense as poss, you see veg oil being advertised as dewatered so i'm hoping there's a simple answer (would need to be simple) lol
Its just for my own use so as little expense as poss, you see veg oil being advertised as dewatered so i'm hoping there's a simple answer (would need to be simple) lol

to get rid of the water in the oil,put the oil into a large enough container that has a tap at the bottom of the container.let it stand for a few days,then undo tap and let the water drain off.as you know oil is lighter than water so it will always be ontop of the water.:cool:;)
as above but you may want to drop a fish tank heater in there to warm it slightly - works on chip fat.think it works by encouraging more motion of the water droplets and as they move about they combine then drop out of suspension.
thats my explanation and I'm sticking with it.
You can handle 20% petrol contamination amx. If it has had petrol in it, it will NOT vapourise! I have seen this tried with a lorry companies' tight-arse father, who decided to try it on a large scale.

Unbeknown to the boss, this 'ventilated' waste diesel was fed into the lorries at night. Over the next few weeks, 17 of the 21 lorries all conked out, which cost a fortune in recovery alone!
You can handle 20% petrol contamination amx. If it has had petrol in it, it will NOT vapourise! I have seen this tried with a lorry companies' tight-arse father, who decided to try it on a large scale.

Unbeknown to the boss, this 'ventilated' waste diesel was fed into the lorries at night. Over the next few weeks, 17 of the 21 lorries all conked out, which cost a fortune in recovery alone!

If its heated with a fish tank heater will the not help to vapourise the petrol?
what ever yu do, do not heat it above 232C - ignition temperature - ie spontanious combustion without a spark :boom:
I'm not sure if i'm being wound up or not, being a bit thick its easily done:eek:, i wouldn't have thought boiling a mix of diesel/petrol and water would be recommended

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