Going back to the small holding, we were committing to buy, had both houses with an offer and the couple almost agreed to an offer. Unfortunately the house they wanted to buy got sold and their second choice house cost more, so they upped what they wanted for their house which we weren't willing to pay and so it kind of ground to a halt. about a week later they took the house off the market.

We are still looking, we took our house off the market until we find something we want again.
Going back to the small holding, we were committing to buy, had both houses with an offer and the couple almost agreed to an offer. Unfortunately the house they wanted to buy got sold and their second choice house cost more, so they upped what they wanted for their house which we weren't willing to pay and so it kind of ground to a halt. about a week later they took the house off the market.

We are still looking, we took our house off the market until we find something we want again.
Pretty common in the rural property market, I am afraid. Lot of false dawns. and some people will put the farm on the market just to get a free valuation from the offers! ;)

I have been shown round farms by the "seller", and they talked quite openly about plans they had on the farm a few years ahead! :rolleyes: :D
Anybody want an old 90 bumper with end caps? She's a lickle ickle bit rusty underneath, but would do as a spare .......or a barn door prop, hedge gap filler???? :D
Pretty common in the rural property market, I am afraid. Lot of false dawns. and some people will put the farm on the market just to get a free valuation from the offers! ;)

I have been shown round farms by the "seller", and they talked quite openly about plans they had on the farm a few years ahead! :rolleyes: :D

We've been looking for a while now, something will come up at some point, in the meantime, I just need a job which gets me home more often.

Me and my old man have discussed possibly taking the series for a trundle down to the Alps next winter for some skiing.
We've been looking for a while now, something will come up at some point, in the meantime, I just need a job which gets me home more often.

Me and my old man have discussed possibly taking the series for a trundle down to the Alps next winter for some skiing.

That sounds like a great plan! :) Envious!:( I shall be feeding the cattle again.

Pics would be good though, plenty of material for an AG fred! ;)
Thought I saw some tumble weed there....

Unconfirmed at the moment..... however I may be getting some leave to come home at the end of April so I would be delighted if you fancied a meet up?

I promise this time that I will NOT mix up dates like last time!
Thought I saw some tumble weed there....

Unconfirmed at the moment..... however I may be getting some leave to come home at the end of April so I would be delighted if you fancied a meet up?

I promise this time that I will NOT mix up dates like last time!

Yes! Well up for a beer meet, and dinner if peeps are up for it! :)

Keep us posted about the dates! ;)
Excellent, I will hopefully be home for the 23rd April.

Hopefully I can get the series MOTd pretty quickly and have it back on the road. I lagged the chassis in dinitrol before I left it so hopefully that will be all ok. I have some paras on order from gb springs and the new parts for my gearbox so hopefully I can get all that done when im home next.
Hi everyone! Just got into defender ownership again with my son and looking to meet up with other like minded peeps for green laning trips, maintenance days, etc. Had a few defenders before and enjoy maintaining them but just moved down to Bodmin so on our own a bit down here! There seem to have been some good meets and trips previously on this thread cheers, Greg & Danny
Hi everyone! Just got into defender ownership again with my son and looking to meet up with other like minded peeps for green laning trips, maintenance days, etc. Had a few defenders before and enjoy maintaining them but just moved down to Bodmin so on our own a bit down here! There seem to have been some good meets and trips previously on this thread cheers, Greg & Danny

We have had some good times! :)

Things are quiet down here now, I have been busy with work and other things, Muds has moved upcountry, Martyn just got married. and Monkfish works abroad.

Laning isnt great here in the summer, too many tourists on the roads, and too much vegetation, but if we get out in the autumn we will bear you in mind.

Pub meet might be possible, any suggestions? Do you live in Bodmin town, or outlying?
Thanks for the reply turbo man. Live right in the centre of Bodmin as we own a shop. There a nice wetherspoons here or just outside Bodmin on the wadebridge road is the Borough Arms / Inn, right on the camel trail, plenty of parking. Knew loads of lanes in Devon, but lacking the local knowledge down here!!

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