Good map. Some of those are just ordinary roads - or look like them!

I was thinking the same, there's one near Roborough which is close to me. I've done some cross reference and used satellite imagery. What looked like a road at first turns out to be a dirt track that seems to cross several fields. It's probably not all that accurate but not to bad to point you in the right direction or at least give a starting point.

Not sure who said it but I can see the benefit to being a member, especially if you meet some potentially angry cyclists or horse riders.
And if it goes towards a good cause to help preserve these lanes for all to enjoy then £30 isn't that much.
I was thinking the same, there's one near Roborough which is close to me. I've done some cross reference and used satellite imagery. What looked like a road at first turns out to be a dirt track that seems to cross several fields. It's probably not all that accurate but not to bad to point you in the right direction or at least give a starting point.

Not sure who said it but I can see the benefit to being a member, especially if you meet some potentially angry cyclists or horse riders.
And if it goes towards a good cause to help preserve these lanes for all to enjoy then £30 isn't that much.

If in doubt after looking at the maps, the best way is to recce it on foot. Can be worked in with Sunday walks with the family, or work trips. You get a good idea of what the situation is on the ground, and any obstructions or changes that may not be visible on the map.

And good on you for joining GLASS :), it is a worthwhile thing to do, and may be of help to you.

You are not alone, pretty much everyone that posts in this fred is a glass or trf member! ;)
I was thinking the same, there's one near Roborough which is close to me. I've done some cross reference and used satellite imagery. What looked like a road at first turns out to be a dirt track that seems to cross several fields. It's probably not all that accurate but not to bad to point you in the right direction or at least give a starting point.

Not sure who said it but I can see the benefit to being a member, especially if you meet some potentially angry cyclists or horse riders.
And if it goes towards a good cause to help preserve these lanes for all to enjoy then £30 isn't that much.

There are indeed a few lanes near Roborough, one of which is as you describe. Knowledge is always very useful when you are on a legal vehicular route should you be stopped by an (angry) rambliar who thinks you shouldn't be there.
Farmers are usually okay as long as you take great care where livestock are concerned and close the gates..
If in doubt after looking at the maps, the best way is to recce it on foot. Can be worked in with Sunday walks with the family, or work trips. You get a good idea of what the situation is on the ground, and any obstructions or changes that may not be visible on the map.

And good on you for joining GLASS :), it is a worthwhile thing to do, and may be of help to you.

You are not alone, pretty much everyone that posts in this fred is a glass or trf member! ;)


Yes just got back from a walk to scout out a lane, met a farmer and had a chat. Shooefuly after lunch I'll swap the wheels over and get out there.
There are indeed a few lanes near Roborough, one of which is as you describe. Knowledge is always very useful when you are on a legal vehicular route should you be stopped by an (angry) rambliar who thinks you shouldn't be there.
Farmers are usually okay as long as you take great care where livestock are concerned and close the gates..

I have just been out scouting some of the lanes, spoke with a farmer. Seemed happy enough.
One of the lanes near to here was blocked though.

Yes just got back from a walk to scout out a lane, met a farmer and had a chat. Shooefuly after lunch I'll swap the wheels over and get out there.

I have just been out scouting some of the lanes, spoke with a farmer. Seemed happy enough.
One of the lanes near to here was blocked though.

Best of luck with that, do take care, especially if you are on your own.

Farmers will be ok if you don't scare stock, and go slowly! :)

As far as I know, you are allowed to abate an obstruction to the way if you can do it safely.

Best of luck with that, do take care, especially if you are on your own.

Farmers will be ok if you don't scare stock, and go slowly! :)

As far as I know, you are allowed to abate an obstruction to the way if you can do it safely.

Oh yes I'm not adverse to a bit of lane upkeep. Cleared a few trees in my time! This obstruction however was intentional so my guess was the guy who owns the land the lane passes through wasn't wanting people to get any further.
I've got a fair few tools to get myself out of trouble but I do like to walk the route first before I make any attempts, if anything looks a bit dodgy to me I tend to just not do it.

Hadnt even noticed them, I cant get past the receding hairline! :mad:

Never mind the marigolds and the receding hairline , I can't get past what a dork I look like with something odd shaped in my hoodie that makes me look like I've got a beer gut ...not very flattering :( :rolleyes::D
Never mind the marigolds and the receding hairline , I can't get past what a dork I look like with something odd shaped in my hoodie that makes me look like I've got a beer gut ...not very flattering :( :rolleyes::D

Always thought you had a Tirfor winch in yer pocket just in case! ;) :D
Always thought you had a Tirfor winch in yer pocket just in case! ;) :D

Just in case what? I've always had every faith in your leadership laning qualities :D
Going to try and arrange a day with JP, hope he's not going to mind me staying out there whilst he works on Bets as there's no way I'll be able to get home ....I'll tell him you gave me his number .......think you'll be scrubbed off his Christmas list forthwith.:D
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Just in case what? I've always had every faith in your leadership laning qualities :D
Going to try and arrange a day with JP, hope he's not going to mind me staying out there whilst he works on Bets as there's no way I'll be able to get home ....I'll tell him you gave me his number .......think you'll be scrubbed off his Christmas list forthwith.:D

He will forgive me in time! :D
I made it back here too ....
Lol ...I like the way it says " well known member" sounds like someone who's well known to the Police for having a criminal record.:D
Hey folks.. i'm working like mad to get my 90 up to speck for some laning etc, but am a bit concerned as have a roof rack and tyre up there, but if all goes well i should be re mot'd and ready in a week or 2, if i'd be welcome on anything, i'd like to meet up and have some fun. I'm finally getting to a point where i have some confidence in the old girl to tackle a little.

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