Hi guys, anyone up for a bit off green lanes or mud? I'm in Plymouth but can travel down to Cornwall (or home as I prefer to call it) or up into Devon.
I'd like to get some contacts because at the moment I only know of Baldhu and trax n trails so would like to expand my horizons :)
Drop me a pm if anyone is about.
Cheers in advance
I'm staying at Lee Mill currently and would be up for some local lanes. Not just yet, the landy is a bit poorly and at the garage :(

Are there any good lanes nearby to Plymouth?
Hi guys, anyone up for a bit off green lanes or mud? I'm in Plymouth but can travel down to Cornwall (or home as I prefer to call it) or up into Devon.
I'd like to get some contacts because at the moment I only know of Baldhu and trax n trails so would like to expand my horizons :)
Drop me a pm if anyone is about.
Cheers in advance

Myself I know nothing about pay and play etc. There are a few people on the forum who will know, search chaz88, and send him a message.

We sometimes go out laning, but at the moment I think everyone is too busy.
In any case laning is not a good idea right down here in high tourist time, the place is alive with walkers, mountain bikes, etc., and the roads are so busy it takes ages to get from one lane to another. Overgrowth can also be an issue. We tend to go out winter mornings when we have the place to ourselves. :)
Myself I know nothing about pay and play etc. There are a few people on the forum who will know, search chaz88, and send him a message.

We sometimes go out laning, but at the moment I think everyone is too busy.
In any case laning is not a good idea right down here in high tourist time, the place is alive with walkers, mountain bikes, etc., and the roads are so busy it takes ages to get from one lane to another. Overgrowth can also be an issue. We tend to go out winter mornings when we have the place to ourselves. :)

Very good point. Emits do generally make things very difficult. I'm from Cornwall originally so I know all about how much of pain the tourists can be in lanes etc.

@tripp after a quick search for boats near Plymouth but a bit more cleverly worded than that for obvious reasons I have come across a byways map with highlighted lanes. Not sure how legit it is but might be worth checking out Byway Map
Very good point. Emits do generally make things very difficult. I'm from Cornwall originally so I know all about how much of pain the tourists can be in lanes etc.

@tripp after a quick search for boats near Plymouth but a bit more cleverly worded than that for obvious reasons I have come across a byways map with highlighted lanes. Not sure how legit it is but might be worth checking out Byway Map

Where are you from, then? :)

Google Trailwise, you will get some access, although it is better if you are a Glass member. Cornwall Council interactive map is good, and shows all classes of ROW. OS maps also show byways, but not details of closures,TROs etc.

Try reading the various stickies at the head of this forum as well ^^^^^!;)
Map looks pretty accurate but it is definitely worth checking that a lane hasn't changed status..
Map looks pretty accurate but it is definitely worth checking that a lane hasn't changed status..

Yes, both tw and interactive map have sections to check for modification orders, but I have no idea how often they update.

CCC used to have a ROW officer that would answer specific queries, wouldn't surprise me if it has been axed as part of austerity programme! :(
Where are you from, then? :)

Google Trailwise, you will get some access, although it is better if you are a Glass member. Cornwall Council interactive map is good, and shows all classes of ROW. OS maps also show byways, but not details of closures,TROs etc.

Try reading the various stickies at the head of this forum as well ^^^^^!;)

Landrake originally, border patrol! Haha
Eventually moved down to looe. Getting in and out of there during summer was painful! Mrs wanted to move to plymouth to be closer to family when we had our son so currently stuck behind enemy lines ;)

I'll do some cross reference with those various sources though. Thanks for those :)
Ill be having a little explore sometime between the 7th and 11th of september, im camping in cornwall with my girlfriend that week and ive just got a disco 2 so we want to have a look at some lanes around the area.
So I'm having a look on trailwise. Very useful website, I decided to register as a member so I can see foot notes on the various byways but it says I need a registration key from an officer of a member organisation. Anyone know who one of these officers may be? I'm guessing a local council official or head of say c&d landrover club?
Ill be having a little explore sometime between the 7th and 11th of september, im camping in cornwall with my girlfriend that week and ive just got a disco 2 so we want to have a look at some lanes around the area.

If you are coming right down West. ie Bodmin and down, pm me, I will try and take you round a few! :)

So I'm having a look on trailwise. Very useful website, I decided to register as a member so I can see foot notes on the various byways but it says I need a registration key from an officer of a member organisation. Anyone know who one of these officers may be? I'm guessing a local council official or head of say c&d landrover club?

You will have to join GLASS, TRF or LARA. Glass is a good organisation to join anyway if you are interested in laning.
So I'm having a look on trailwise. Very useful website, I decided to register as a member so I can see foot notes on the various byways but it says I need a registration key from an officer of a member organisation. Anyone know who one of these officers may be? I'm guessing a local council official or head of say c&d landrover club?

Join GLASS and you'll get a "key" it's a code given to you so that you can progress into the inner sanctum of Trailwise. ;)
Join GLASS and you'll get a "key" it's a code given to you so that you can progress into the inner sanctum of Trailwise. ;)

Haha yes just been looking at all that. It is very much a rabbit hole by the looks of it. Is there a lot of point in joining? Obviously you'd get the very latest info but with the byways maps I've found surely that's fine to go off? Probably wrong and I'll sign up to these organisations anyway (I love a good news letter!)
Haha yes just been looking at all that. It is very much a rabbit hole by the looks of it. Is there a lot of point in joining? Obviously you'd get the very latest info but with the byways maps I've found surely that's fine to go off? Probably wrong and I'll sign up to these organisations anyway (I love a good news letter!)

I know what you mean ....I guess for me (probably wrongly) I kind of feel that in some small way my membership does add something to the coffers and if I meet folks when I'm out laning -riders/walkers etc , then at least I can say I'm a member of the Green Lane Association , following a good code of conduct and not just a mud monkey:)
Haha yes just been looking at all that. It is very much a rabbit hole by the looks of it. Is there a lot of point in joining? Obviously you'd get the very latest info but with the byways maps I've found surely that's fine to go off? Probably wrong and I'll sign up to these organisations anyway (I love a good news letter!)

There are benefits to being in GLASS, you get a nice magazine, and they have an interesting website, and Trailwise access. And you can get support from Glass area reps etc. if any issues. Only 30 quid!

Also, Glass and TRF campaign to prevent lane closures, and against legislation that could stop laning altogether. There are many who would like to see laning stopped altogether. Over half the driveable routes in Britain have already been lost.
There are benefits to being in GLASS, you get a nice magazine, and they have an interesting website, and Trailwise access. And you can get support from Glass area reps etc. if any issues. Only 30 quid!

Also, Glass and TRF campaign to prevent lane closures, and against legislation that could stop laning altogether. There are many who would like to see laning stopped altogether. Over half the driveable routes in Britain have already been lost.

Agree with Turboman, well worth joining one of the above. They do a great deal for protecting ROW's and in the case of the TRF, defending people in ROW court cases (Sarn Helen for one!)
Very good point. Emits do generally make things very difficult. I'm from Cornwall originally so I know all about how much of pain the tourists can be in lanes etc.

@tripp after a quick search for boats near Plymouth but a bit more cleverly worded than that for obvious reasons I have come across a byways map with highlighted lanes. Not sure how legit it is but might be worth checking out Byway Map

Good map. Some of those are just ordinary roads - or look like them!
Good map. Some of those are just ordinary roads - or look like them!

Doubt if it will have up-to -date info about TROs etc. so worth checking with ROW officer etc. ;)

All BOATS are ordinary roads, just less tarmacked than most. Some UCRs are as good as boats, and some ORPAs also run on public or paved roads

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