Yes, Mr Turboman has given me the number for John Pollard. Ive just found a good seconhand gearbox on ebay which is in the same town as a friend of mine who is a landy lover so he may be able to get it for me and I can fit it when I am next home.

Nice one ...just shout if we can help out whilst you're swanning around on your soopa yacht :D
It is a bit tame round that way, worth driving them once anyway. So many of the lanes round here are getting surfaced now, as more and more houses are built beside them :(

I think you will like North Devon more, I will pm yu some suggestions! ;):)

Ideal I have had a look on a byways map and we are staying in a b&b close to a group of byways ��
Ideal I have had a look on a byways map and we are staying in a b&b close to a group of byways ��

There's so many to choose from'll be spoilt for choice.

We are going up again early Feb , when hopefully I might be able to practice my winching skills ...never know , I may need them for the lz ladies trip :rolleyes:
There's so many to choose from'll be spoilt for choice.

We are going up again early Feb , when hopefully I might be able to practice my winching skills ...never know , I may need them for the lz ladies trip :rolleyes:

A winch,on the ladies trip,no chance,they are all on diets.:D
That's a shame but not to worry
What have you done?

I do t know something just came up and ite wile driving down the A30 and though me off into some cones. Just making a grinding noise now.

Well hope you had a gd day. Hope to b out next weekend.
Yea ill be there mate
I've started to arrange my own punch challenges now
First one being this Sunday the 18th at thunder park

Yeah I'm there. Didn't get the landy fixed but only 2 miles from my house. Checked it out the other day so know where it is now. What time should I get there for.
Sounds good to me ...will rattle Mr Muds' cage to make sure we're free ...where are you thinking?:)

Shall we leave location til the end of the weekend to see if anyone further up wants to join in then if it's just us few again we can choose somewhere local again 😊

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