
New Member
Going to Devils Pit today should be a blast with all the rain, last time i went a Hummer was was there and couldnt get up the hill. Was a last min thing so if any of you about i will be on ch 10 should be there by 10am.
I will try and get some pix
was up there yesturday was a gd laugh, was riding about in the owners white dicovery a bit. i think i saw your truck up there.
I went up there yesterday to meet a guy from work and 'Spectate', also met Stick.
I Must say I think the place is extremely badly run and was infact quite dangerous.
The stewards were next to useless and a few drivers were being complete fools and driving like absolute ****s.
Thats what Devils Pit is famous for, Cuunts and gipos in stolen motors. Same goes for whaddon but its much better as you can get away from the fools as its such a nice open site compared to devils pit and on a plus side the mud doesnt destroy your car like devils pit. Simon I know from years back I remember my bro going up there to make some tracks for his new idea. bloody profitable mind and he is afterall a good buisnessman.
What a nightmare, didnt get any pix as i managed to drop camera in the first pond i could find, saw rob up there and i nearly had it on its roof on a bloody green run(**** up fairy Booger),
There were to many people up there and i have never seen so many people run out of talent so quickly.
All the black runs were shut (understandable) due to the conditions and as that made half the course it was to busy, spent ages waiting.
I would like to do it in the dry as the boys i went with did a couple of weeks ago, except they all busted there motors, two of them done there front props.

Jai ive not been to whaddon yet so might give that a go but it is a bit of a trek for me and at the end of the day i didnt think it was value for money.
you definatly said it with the PIKEY'S. you can tell who they are:
They dont have a f****** clue
They turn up in transit tippers with a suzuki in the back and 1 on a trail.
AND take ****ing ages. dont think the pit shut untill 5:45 coz they was waiting for people to was off there cars!

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