Yeah i'm going to pop along, never been off roading b4but from what i've seen on their web site it looks like being a laugh, look out for me i'll probably be the one who's got himself stuck in the car park before the coures :)
Talked the missus into going to Devil's Pit this morning. Great Fun!!!!

Everyone seemed real friendly and there was a pretty good turn out. I'll post some photos later on the web.

We just stuck to the Green tracks as it was our first outing but it was still a lot of fun. I would recommend it as an easy introduction to 'off-roading'.
must have seen you there but had no idea who you were, i had a great time and took mine on a couple of red's and had a sticky moment getting up a muddy incline. Also found out that my transfer box is stuck in high range which is why i had problems so i need to fix that now :( but all in i had a blast of a time and am looking forward to doing it again LOTS !!!!
u got some cool pic's, i did see you driving around and you must have seen me as i got stuck on the hill where the red jeep got into trouble in the muddy bit :) but i had an excuse my transfer box is shagged :(
What do you drive?

We got talking to the Suzuki boys who were quite fun - One of them managed to roll in an effort to pull his mate out!! :D

I did get a few funny looks since our Landy is practically new but hell, this was what it was bought / designed for.

We managed not to get stuck on any of the Green bits although the TC was giving it Dixie up the hill from the Mud. I also had the diff lock engaged for that bit and was in Lower Second. Actually spent all day in Lower Second:D .

I know the TC is cheating but you can't disable it and it does work very well !!!
i've got a little 1984 2.25 petrol 90 with a 2" lift that i done last week :) everyone i spoke to there was very helpful in giving pointers as it was my first experiance off road and i really cant wait to get my transfer box sorted and get some nore time off road :)
Me too :) but i don't think i'm gonna be able to get my transfer box sorted in time:( still not gonna stop me turning up !!

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