
Well-Known Member
:5bcheers2:Yes I know its been discused before , what has'nt . Your thoughts on veg oil in 300 tdi auto disco . 50/50 or ? . only asking again as this is a constantly changing subject .
It will vary depending on time of year. I wouldnt try 50/50 this time of year, probably 20% oil max. During the summer I was running upto 80% oil witohut issues.
same here, but the price of veggie :eek:, I am sticking with derv till some offers come on at Tesco/Asda, as not worth the hassle when its the same price, sometimes more
From my 300TDI manual experience - I run 100% diesel at less than 5 degrees cos of the risk of your veggie oil turning into goo and blocking things up. But warmer times of year I've run 100 veggie oil.

Also, waste veggie oil (WVO) filtered seems better at lower temperatures. Not sure why - it's also a lot cheaper (usually free ask your local pub etc) and just requires a filtering through a few cheap ebay nylon filters. Last lot of WVO I bought was 10p litre.
can you just put veg oil in with normal diesel then?
buy a bottle, filter it through a filter paper, then just bang it in? no modifcations to engine?
yeh just pour it in then top up with derv. i then put in 5 ltrs of petrol because its cold (or kerro). Just always carry a spare fuel filter with you though and change more regualy
Normal 200 TDi discovery 1, with tweaked pump and straight through exhaust system.

So I am a cheap skate and happy to help the environment. When the GreenHornet went back on the road 3 weeks ago I filled her up with 50/50 mix. Then as I was a bit tight and had a stock of new veggie oil, I raised it to about 80/20.

Cold weather came and she started to hunt on part throttle and become a little unresponsive low down. I don't panic much but I did buy a new fuel filter to carry in the car just in cases (it's now end up in the garage lol).

Fuel mix went back to 20veg 80 derv and she runs like new.

The cold weather effects performance of oil as a fuel. Other than that the vehicle runs great.
i only do about 5 miles in a morning then same on way home on the evening so wont put any in yet. maybe a litre or two next time i fill up but im going away in april so ill put some in then.. save some money :)
i have 5 litres of derv what do i mix with it? petrol turps or just oil?

forget using turps or meths as they are not allowed to be used as road fuels full stop

At this time of year I personally use 50% derv 40% veg 10% unleaded

never use more than 10% unleaded in any mix.

Summertime I use 95% veg 5% unleaded, no probs.
5litres derv
4litres cooking oil
1litre petrol

Sounds ok just see how you get on, This mix works for me as I burn waste veg oil which doesn't burn quite as easily as svo so you might not need as much unleaded.
i only do about 5 miles in a morning then same on way home on the evening so wont put any in yet. maybe a litre or two next time i fill up but im going away in april so ill put some in then.. save some money :)

Same here. 5 miles each way with an odd trip down a few local lanes when I fancy it.

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