Are we set at just the six of us? A couple of mates would like to tag along. Your call, no worries either way .. :)

If everybody who wanted to come turns up on Saturday then we are going to have to run two groups anyway, so It's fine with me. Just working on the route now and you're likely to get a PM shortly to double check the status of one of the lanes.
No worries then .. ;)

Dave or I could lead a second group if you want, just email me the route .. use my South Yorks Glass email in my sig. .. ;)
Thanks Paul for asking but I really find it hard to use my phone on this site.
Could have something to do with my phone being rubbish lol.
Thanks Paul for asking but I really find it hard to use my phone on this site.
Could have something to do with my phone being rubbish lol.

No problem mate .. it's never an issue having you along with us laning, but I had to ask 'cos it ain't my show. ;)
OK Saturday the 14th, Meet on the car park in the center of Hartington (near the Old Cheese Shop) for a 10am start. Get there earlier if you want a brew/breakfast first and bring a packed lunch because if we are going to get the whole route in there won't be much time for stopping! The route is just shy of 100 miles and covers 34 lanes so will take a while. There is everything on the route from flat easy lanes to steep rocky ones via very tight and potentially scratchy overgrown lanes and the day finishes at a pub.

So far the list of names goes something like this

James & Sarah
David & Sally +1?
Paul D +1?

Sorry if I've missed anybody, get your names down quick! Max is 12 in two groups and it looks like we've got 11 already, so if anyone can't come please let us know to make space for others.
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HI IAN, gonna have to sit this one out mate. its the other halfs birthday so ive got a hotel and wowmantic meal booked.
so with a bit of luck, while you lot are wheels deep, iam hoping to be erm,,,,,,,,,,,, deep;)
Sorry guys. The zombie response vehicle has developed a bit of an automatic engine oil evacuation system. I'm going to have to spend tomorrow filling it full of sawdust in an attempt to stop it leaving its black mark on the British landscape.
I will Ubfortuatly not be laning for a while...... My ninety has met it's fate in a field.
Aqua planed off the road and rolled it into a field, only 2 straight body panels left and I think I'm lucky to be alive!!!
I will Ubfortuatly not be laning for a while...... My ninety has met it's fate in a field.
Aqua planed off the road and rolled it into a field, only 2 straight body panels left and I think I'm lucky to be alive!!!

Sorry to hear about that bud, hope you're alright.. Have you managed to get it out of the field OK and is it repairable? On the bright side I don't remember to many straight panels on it before your Duke of Hazzard
I will Ubfortuatly not be laning for a while...... My ninety has met it's fate in a field.
Aqua planed off the road and rolled it into a field, only 2 straight body panels left and I think I'm lucky to be alive!!!

Jeez .. You OK? Need help recovering it? There's a gang of us gonna be around Derbyshire tomorrow ... ;)
That makes 3 for a hand if you need 1,

looking forward to this tomorrow, few new faces I'll probably forget the names of 5 mins later too!!
Disco now kinda repaired too :)

see you all in the morning
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I will Ubfortuatly not be laning for a while...... My ninety has met it's fate in a field.
Aqua planed off the road and rolled it into a field, only 2 straight body panels left and I think I'm lucky to be alive!!!
Daft ****! What;s tha done and what's tha need? I did similar to my Gaylander last year!! Giz a shout if you need owt Will, I may have it rotting in the yard.....:)
Thanks to Ian for arranging today, it was a good route. Though my defender broke on one of the lanes by way of the transfer box selector sheering off. After a good tow to a road I managed to select high manually, but we werent sure if it would drop out and I was soaked from having to climb under so we went home.

Just about got warm now!
Gotta say, just got home, cold and wet! But an ace day, a great route and I didn't have to lead ... ;) Many thanks for sorting the route, Ian, David for leading and the rest of you for being there .. ;) I apologise especially to Ian over the mix-up on the very first lane, I spoke about a different, very similar lane, just got mixed up!

Makes a change to do a route that isn't all about how tough it is or how macho you are, I thoroughly enjoyed it. My 90 didn't .. started with a clanging sound that was eventually traced to a front prop UJ, that developed into a clanging, grinding, which meant the diff and transfer bearings were also succumbing to age and lack of maintenance ... to a very 'odd' feeling coming on and off power, alongside a bigger grindy noise, so we peeled off before the last lane and came home steadily. Got home OK, but it looks like the prop slider, both front prop UJ's, front diff bearing and transfer box bearing are ex-good parts, they are deceased. So I can't afford replacements, which brings forward the change from this transfer box to the one from my old Disco, and a replacement diff I already have. I'll maybe buy a new prop or something ... ;)

Locking diff worked fine .. not that I needed it, but I did try it out on Hurstclough and another steepish lane. Off to the bath now and an early bed I think .. ;)
Yep, a to Ian for the route. A cracking day was had. Two Dales in the dark on the way home seemed too easy!!! Anyway, great company and a great day. Hope you all got home safe. To the next time

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