Hi guys. What time are we meeting in the morning? It's probably posted there somewhere with the place but I just can't see if.
Planning on a 10:30 get away so if you want a breakfast or a brew get there a bit earlier. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it much before 10:30 but will be ready to go as soon as we've all met. See you in the morning.
Great day guys. Thank you for organising the day out.

Shame about the ratio of mud to Tarmac thanks to 'accidental' blocked accesses.

If Buddy passes the MOT on Monday I'm up for the next one.
With the two blocked lanes and the third with no legal exit anymore I may have to have a bit of a rethink for the route on the 14th. I'll report the two blocked lanes tomorrow so they may be cleared before then hopefully.
A bit of a baptism of fire for the TD5, definitely a different driving experience to the 300tdi! A lot better on the road but much harder to get used to off the tarmac! I've never stalled a car so often even when I was learning to drive.
Even with the extra on road distance, and the fog mostly obscuring the fantasic scenary, and the couple of wrong turns, I still enjoyed the day and got to drive several lanes I've not been on for over 20 years plus half a dozen I've never been on before.
Being halloween it was also good to have our own Zombie protection along :D


The mist finaly started to clear on the last lane of the day giving us a cracking view over Thorpe Cloud and Dovedale
thanks for organizing the run out ian was a great day enjoyed getting out and meeting some new people. my kids couldn't stop going on about the zombie response motor and I think a few of the locals had to take a second look :D. looking forward to getting out again soon cheers
I used to live on the farm by coldwall bridge. Brings back memories.
Looks like a good day.
How had the lanes been blocked?

I'm looking forward to the 14th
I used to live on the farm by coldwall bridge. Brings back memories.
Looks like a good day.
How had the lanes been blocked?

I'm looking forward to the 14th
Hi James, one lane (Trailwise UID SK1949-01) was blocked by the farmers Land Rover but that was to stop people heading up the lane to where a different farmer has apparantly abandoned an old combine harvester accross the track completely blocking it!
The second lane (Trailwise UID SK1254-02 & -01) was blocked by a large section of freshly felled tree. It had obviously been placed there deliberately as no tree had been felled nearby. We could have dragged it out of the way but were told by the lady who lives at the bottom of the lane that there was a further blockage at the top of the lane. As it's not a lane you would want to reverse back down, and with no room to turn, we decided to give it a miss. I've reported both blockages this morning so we'll see what happens. I'm going to head out later this week and walk both lanes from the opposite end to check on what we were told.
Saturday 14th. Think we're going to have to have a slight change of plan. The lanes around Ashbourne are already sodden and with another week of rain forecast I think we ought to leave them be and sort a route in the rockier areas of the Peak. We can do the Ashbourne run once the lanes have dried a bit or, better still, once the ground has frozen or maybe got a bit of snow on it. Sorry Sarah and James.
I'll sort a route out and post a meeting place and time ASAP.
I'll definatly be up for tagging along if possible, just gotta change the front axle on my 300tdi after it anialated itself friday night
Saturday 14th. Think we're going to have to have a slight change of plan. The lanes around Ashbourne are already sodden and with another week of rain forecast I think we ought to leave them be and sort a route in the rockier areas of the Peak. We can do the Ashbourne run once the lanes have dried a bit or, better still, once the ground has frozen or maybe got a bit of snow on it. Sorry Sarah and James.
I'll sort a route out and post a meeting place and time ASAP.
Yeah, that is fine Ian. I agree, it is getting pretty wet everywhere
Are we set at just the six of us? A couple of mates would like to tag along. Your call, no worries either way .. :)

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