I definitely can't do the 8th but could do the 7th or either day the following weekend.
I'm still up for a run out somewhere this Saturday as well if anyone fancies it? Let me know and I'll sort a route.
Did a couple of lanes on the way back from collecting the D2 but had to be a bit carefull on the thin rubber bands round the 18" rims! Got a set of 16s in the boot that will be getting some decent rubber fitted on Wednesday so then it's playtime :D
Me and the girlfriend can come laning this Saturday too if you want Ian? :)

Yep, I'm deffinitely up for a run out on Saturday. How about meeting at the tea rooms in Tissington for a 10:30 start, earlier if you want a breakfast or a brew first. I can't get there any earlier unfortunately.
Yep, I'm deffinitely up for a run out on Saturday. How about meeting at the tea rooms in Tissington for a 10:30 start, earlier if you want a breakfast or a brew first. I can't get there any earlier unfortunately.
Save us some local ones too for another weekend please. :)
I definitely can't do the 8th but could do the 7th or either day the following weekend.
I'm still up for a run out somewhere this Saturday as well if anyone fancies it? Let me know and I'll sort a route.
Did a couple of lanes on the way back from collecting the D2 but had to be a bit carefull on the thin rubber bands round the 18" rims! Got a set of 16s in the boot that will be getting some decent rubber fitted on Wednesday so then it's playtime :D
Shall we go for the 14/15th then? Don't mind which day.
Hey guys, Sorry for jumping in but.......If theres space for an old 109 (and possibly that crapped out 88 that followed you at LZ11) to tag along from Cossall let me know please. Thanks
Shall we go for the 14/15th then? Don't mind which day.

Either day is fine with me. We'll call this Saturday a recce for the next run out :) Unfortunately some of the lanes are not suitable if the weather has been too wet, they go straight over fields and would just cut up too much if wet, they are so little used there is no visible route on the ground! I know some folk would still use them but why risk upsetting the landowners and losing the lanes? Plenty more to go at that won't cause conflict.
Hey guys, Sorry for jumping in but.......If theres space for an old 109 (and possibly that crapped out 88 that followed you at LZ11) to tag along from Cossall let me know please. Thanks
No probs mate, so far that's
"crapped out 88"!
So room for 1 more, or 2 if the 88 isn't playing?
righto ian, which route you taking to tissington, could meet up somewhere.

Ade I'll just hit the 515 at Newhaven and head straight down that way. I can't guarantee timings at the mo because Kim's horse is badly and I can't get away till she's done at the stables, hence the 10:30 start.
No probs mate, so far that's
"crapped out 88"!
So room for 1 more, or 2 if the 88 isn't playing?
Can I just ask for confirmation as to which Saturday I'm on the list for and does anyone have a postcode for the meet up. Thanks
Can I just ask for confirmation as to which Saturday I'm on the list for and does anyone have a postcode for the meet up. Thanks
Hey. Nice to have you in my laning convoy again :D

I'm thinking Sat the 14th for our trip. Does that work? Sunday would also work.

As for postcode we haven't decided on a route yet so that isn't so easy...

Anyone want to volunteer to be leader?
14th should be very doable. What with being sad and lonely and all that!

You did such a cracking job leading last time I wouldn't even know how to compete with your leadership skills.… that coupled with the idea that I have no idea where my local shops are let alone green lanes, kind of thankfully rules me out.

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