I'll be up for putting something together this month. Got a days worth of lanes round Asbourne/Dovedale that I put together a couple of months ago but not had chance to do yet.
Can't do this weekend but might be up for next weekend, the 13th or 14th, if anyone's free?

Damnit Ian, we can't make that!

It's the weekend just before we go to Portugal. So will have the roof tent on etc. Plus Sarah says I'm not allowed!

Will, make sure you take note of the route, then you can take me round them when I get back.
Agh! Sorry James, although I reckon I'd trade a days laning round Ashbourne for a trip to Portugal anytime :D

For those lucky enough not to have the dilemma James has:p, I'm happy to do either day but would also prefer Saturday. Lets see who else posts over the weekend and we'll fix the day on Monday.
Agh! Sorry James, although I reckon I'd trade a days laning round Ashbourne for a trip to Portugal anytime :D

For those lucky enough not to have the dilemma James has:p, I'm happy to do either day but would also prefer Saturday. Lets see who else posts over the weekend and we'll fix the day on Monday.

Haha, it is a nice dilemma to have!
Haha, it is a nice dilemma to have!

Have a good trip and post up a detailed report when you get back.
Due to a tragic event earlier this year our Maroc Bike trips for oct/nov have had to be cancelled. That gives me 6-7 weeks to go and have a play somewhere. I'm tempted to head out through the Balkans to Turkey but that would have to come out of my pocket. If I head to Morocco I can legitimately claim the costs as a recce for future trips and a detour through Portugal could be fun.
Have a good trip and post up a detailed report when you get back.
Due to a tragic event earlier this year our Maroc Bike trips for oct/nov have had to be cancelled. That gives me 6-7 weeks to go and have a play somewhere. I'm tempted to head out through the Balkans to Turkey but that would have to come out of my pocket. If I head to Morocco I can legitimately claim the costs as a recce for future trips and a detour through Portugal could be fun.

Sad to hear about the trips. Could you not claim the costs of a trip to the Balkans or Turkey as a recce for a potential new destination??

I think I am going to make another thread in the expedition section and try to post some stuff as we go, so keep your eye out.
Right, what's the plan folks?

Sorry folks, I can't make a full day so the Ashbourne route will have to wait a bit longer.
But! If anyone wants to meet at the Yonderman for a 10:30ish (I'll be there as near as I can but may be a few minutes late) get away on Saturday I'll lead a run round some of the Peaks trickier lanes for about 4 maybe 5 hours?
Hi ian, got to cry off, got me timing belt booked in for tomorrow . unless its tipping it down.
Have to do the ashbourne lanes another time mate.
Well it's tipping down :D so are we going to see you at the Yonderman Ade?

sorry for not replying sooner ian. iam under cover,lol. been needing to do me belt for a bit, got to the bugging me stage so need it done for me own peace of mind.
Hi D
Afternoon all! It's been very quiet on here lately. How is everyone?
Anyone up for a trip out soon?

Hi Sarah
Long time no see. Hope you're keeping well. Not been out off LZ for quite a while. I dare say the usual rogues that we know could be up for a trip. Where are you fancying?
Hi D

Hi Sarah
Long time no see. Hope you're keeping well. Not been out off LZ for quite a while. I dare say the usual rogues that we know could be up for a trip. Where are you fancying?

We were thinking Peak District somewhere, don't really mind where though. Sunday the 8th Maybe, or the weekend after that? Anyone got anything specific they want to do?
Finally picking up my new (to me) D2 today so will hopefully have it ready to play by the weekend. I've had a route based around Ashbourne planned for a few months now but just not had the chance to get out and do it.
Any one fancy meeting in Tissington for a 10:30 start on Saturday?
Finally picking up my new (to me) D2 today so will hopefully have it ready to play by the weekend. I've had a route based around Ashbourne planned for a few months now but just not had the chance to get out and do it.
Any one fancy meeting in Tissington for a 10:30 start on Saturday?
This Saturday? We are going to someones bonfire party up North this weekend otherwise I would def be up for that
Hi Sarah
Long time no see. Hope you're keeping well. Not been out off LZ for quite a while. I dare say the usual rogues that we know could be up for a trip. Where are you fancying?

Hello, Yes, Its been far too long! Looks like maybe Ashbourne...

This Saturday? We are going to someones bonfire party up North this weekend otherwise I would def be up for that

Are you free the 8th /15th /16th for that route Ian?
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We were thinking Peak District somewhere, don't really mind where though. Sunday the 8th Maybe, or the weekend after that? Anyone got anything specific they want to do?

Either weekend would be ok.
If we limit it to 6 vehicles, 3 from my end and 3 from yours sound ok?

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