Bad luck there Colin!! I would go around and check the rest of it with a bit of a tap just to make sure there not more mischief around the corner!

It was a good day out, a few challenges a long the way and some cracking views! The last lane at Two Dales was a good end to the days events.....I think its safe to say I learnt a bit about my 90 on that section.

Did anyone get any pictures? I didn't get chance to take any today.

Bah, no pictures?

We got massively soaked in the lake district today walking, not sure that was better than green laning...
I didn't get pics either tbh too busy having fun :p great day for it nice n slippy in places and that gate is very narrow

Lee did you touch your side on the side slope on twodales?
Bah, no pictures?

We got massively soaked in the lake district today walking, not sure that was better than green laning...

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Did that gate on one of our trips last time, it's tight! D2's are fat as well. I had to fold the mirrors in to get through.

Looks like great fun, wish i'd come. Soon I'll be back with a Landy that works! :p
it couldnt have been far off....Shame we didnt get any pictures of that......we will have to do a re-run ;)
When are people thinking for the next trip? I think I have fixed my transfer box, so I'm good to go.

Weekend of the 25th?
25th is good for us ! maybe to far but I like to go to the north York moors never done any lanes up there!
Bah, I'd love to, but on holiday on the 26th so might not be able to make it then! :(

Have to see when I can make it, still got your RF meter James!
I don't think I'll make one for a bit but dying to get out might make a evenin if anyone wants that?
I can maybe do an evening.

A trip to the York moors is also ok with me, I can do a trip to the moors a bit later in the year as it doesn't matter if I have the roof tent on.
maybe we could do the north York moors for a sat and sun and camp some were on the sat night and have a few beers and a meal at a pub!

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