looking at the map you want to get on the m1 upto junction 25 then get onto a52 borrowash by pass to derby then u want a515 to ashbourne stright into buxton google maps mate have a look
Ive got a good route from an old TOR roadbook, covers lots of the south peaks of which we have done a few last time, that starts monyash and ends near chapel ELF, or my mate in disco knows a lot of Derbyshire lanes and has them all marked on a map.

Sure we can sort it at the meet over a brew :)
hi new member , can i tag along this wkd please, and do some lanes with you guys , looks like fun . my landy is kitted out and i have done lanes b4 :)
If thats the postcode for the car park I am on about it's a coach and truck park been on it before no hight restriction
Oh right, according to google maps it's the car park on the roundabout just next to spring gardens and It did have height restriction...

The cool kids will just have to park outside :D
The car park has a height restriction , but yes there is a coach/lorry park next door that obviously does not (although has/is being used by the police for spot checks at random times)
well just meet in the truck park there no restriction on it and i dont think the police will be there at 930 sunday morning
Afternoon chaps,
I'm Mr Noisy's "mate with a 90 whose a noob with recovery points" coming on Sunday, just thought I would let you know :D
Have done one day at a LR experience in a 110 but yeh noob is appropriate haha.

Hello and welcome :)

1. Sammy (leader)
2. Chezvegas
3. Disco_tom
4. Mr noisy
5. WaldoXS
6. Mr noisy's other mate with a disco. (just text him to check car not still broken!)

New list
1. akitadefender
1. Sammy (leader)
2. Chezvegas
3. Disco_tom
4. Mr noisy
5. WaldoXS
6. Mr noisy's other mate with a disco. (just text him to check car not still broken!)

New list
1. akitadefender
6.added my name to the list chaps , i did ask if i could come ..:)
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Aaaaanyway I guess you'll all be pleased to hear I've fixed up the disco :)

Crisis over, AGAIN!

Big time looking forward to a good days laning on Sunday.

Very concerned about food though, I can sort myself out but will there be a time to stop for lunch???
Been to Buxton this morn and most of the snow had melted but there should still be a little bit on the lanes,so should be good fun.me and 'akitadefender' were out Buxton way laneing on tuesday night and the snow was deep but easily passable.
Can you not eat and drive ??

Stu! Eat and drive is possible and i can survive on cakes but I am partial to a good bit of cooking.

Anyway I doubt folks want to wait around for me so we'll have to Butty van it in Buxton I guess.

Kpm, looking at tomorrow's forecast I think we will get washed away before we get to any snow!

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