No rush for me mike, can send it the day before! :)

Chapel Gate sounds great, I've never driven it so would be nice to have a look at it.
Don't be so sure that Chapel gate will actually be open .. The village end, this weekend just gone, was still gated with a padlock and the Roych end still has a feckin' big boulder there!

That may change, mind .. ;)
i only have bigger tyres!

and i a green lane virgin!

should be a fun day!


are you worried about scratches from trees or potential damage from rocks?

Not saying we're going to trash it, just would be useful to know when planning the route
Mines a standard d1 ill try ought not to bothered bout a cpl of scratches just as long as I don't lose any more bits of it :D
Ill either be in the very unstandard 90 and if I get stuck none of you will have a chance, or the standard RRC which I don't really want to wreak :/
Range rover classic for me also ! Standard tdi inc road tyres !! Oh forgot got a front diff guard is that cheating ?? Lets all pray for the white stuff not only makes my garden look as good as neighbours makes the peaks beautifull
are you worried about scratches from trees or potential damage from rocks?

Not saying we're going to trash it, just would be useful to know when planning the route

would be good if the lanes were light ones for my first time!

Can't get much lighter than white !! You be ok put you in middle of a group then if you get stuck could have a tug of war with your truck !! All good fun all the lads there will talk to you and give where you want it of course advise !!
Lots of newbees then. Chapel gate is a must! Give them a proper introduction
Looking forward to it.not a newbie my self but always good to get out n about.and aving a good day.
Range rover classic for me also ! Standard tdi inc road tyres !! Oh forgot got a front diff guard is that cheating ?? Lets all pray for the white stuff not only makes my garden look as good as neighbours makes the peaks beautifull
the snow was epic last year, stanage in the snow and your first time down it too! talk about brown trouser moments! :bounce:

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