Noo leave them on, they did the job, if that rock made that much of a mess of your steps, imagine what it would have done to your door and sil!!!!

Got to agree with you - i have a dent in my disco door from that lane due to lack of rock sliders.
Might keep em on for a bit will straighten em out a bit first gotta get 2" lift on suspension :D
Will have to sort something out with em might look at getting sliders ! How hard to fit are they ?
Not hard.

Offer up, fix to sill, drill outriggers and fit brackets, bolt up etc etc.

Couple hours work, one of the best mods tbh, very handy!
Two of my favourite lanes, Hollinsclough and Roych .. ;)

Liked the squealing and squeaking on the steps down Hollinsclough .. sounded like the wife/girlfriend/whatever was enjoying it a bit too much .. :eek:

Ha yep that was the wife, first proper time out the kitchen :D
jesus those steps were high. and a bit slippy with the frost. i went down the big couple a bit quicker than i wanted to. :eek: still no oil trail and i dont think anything was bent so all ok.

will sort some photos in a bit. :)
jesus those steps were high. and a bit slippy with the frost. i went down the big couple a bit quicker than i wanted to. :eek: still no oil trail and i dont think anything was bent so all ok.

will sort some photos in a bit. :)

Yerp, I was abit quicker than I wanted too, tank guard took the brunt of it though!

Missis enjoyed herself! Was a great day out!
Ha ha, have received a few pics from pals up on the tops today documenting an amount of snow.

We will be blessed with snow this year but not sure if its coming thick this week!

Thanks everyone for yesterday, was awesome to meet new folks and old :)

List of problems:

• Steering off centre.
• Reverse lights failed (again)
• Anti-tank-gun proof rear bumper slightly adjusted by hollinsclough, needs a little nudge!
• OSR quarter panel slightly claimed by rear bumper which was slightly adjusted by hollinsclough (not the first time this has happened, needs another application of hammer)
• gearbox is getting noisier

There are other problems but I won't share them with you, they're personal :p
Think my mate Gaz has some pics and vids on his phone, will see anout getting hold of it to upload them tonight :)

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