Mr Noisy

Coming in your ears.
Nice one to NickT, Big Al and One Stop (the only breakage of the day) for making it such a fun day/weekender, we had cracking weather yesterday afternoon/evening and dry this morning, well done to everyone for getting up at 4am!!

YES it rained heavily after about 10am but that is the lakes for you!!


Pics/vids here soon! :)
Those look familiar to me ;) and yes it did **** it down this morning :eek: especially compared to yesterday which was lush :D
MaHoosive thanks to Mr Noisy for organising a fantastic weekend trip.
Some of the best lanes I've ever driven.






Lakes April 2013 Photos by shaft_Zero | Photobucket
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Nice one gents, will get our videos up when I'm suitably sober, today's events went somewhat like home, help mate move car with puncture, return land rover to garage, pub.

As such I didn't have time to upload anything earlier and cba doing it now!!

BUT props to the lads who came this weekend, real tight group o' lads, was well pleased with the camping setup, me personally believes that laning and wild camping go hand in hand so was chuffed to get a proper camp setup from the offset.

Pete, stile end is undergoing major works at the moment, I ran/walked/puffed and panted all the way up to the tough section from the bottom and most of it has been surfaced but they are not finished yet.

They have cut another route to avoid the worst section, and although still a twisty route it is nothing of the magnitude it was before. I feel genuinely priveleged to have driven (or should i say bounced up) Stile End and Breasthigh Road before the major surfacing works were carried out, the latter again a hugely picturesque route but nowhere near the technical challenge it used to be.

Anyway, many thanks to the attendees of the first Derbyshire Laners On Tour weekend, was a banging day/weekend all in all, I loved it!
Lou bless talked in the ear of heffers lambs that horse n of course that beasts we all know as big al !! Lol wow the noises you lot all make snoring !!!