Hi guys

well we have gone and checked the routes today alls good so we are ready I'm now pming you all the meeting details can you all please confirm who's comming ta
The list so far

1. Toxicsox
2. nyx25
3. newby lad
4. Dicovery maniac
5. Tivster
6. Finchy (Mate o ours sowie)
7. Jammy 137
8. Paul C
9. Dicovery maniac's bro ?
10. Umbongo
11 chieko

Please let me know by pm or phone if your not able to attend
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Tøxïc§øX™;1235961 said:
connected it str to 24V's in ma cab does it no ****in good every time lololol

How many things have ya blown up doin' that? I 've lost count :hysterically_laughi
naaa thats just list o wot I blew up in truck

Today while we been out checkin lanes I desided to try a new lane we not done b 4 well I found out it was to narrow when first I scraped and dented back panel on doris disco then nearly turned it on its side cos of cross angle I got it to

Doris was ****tin bricks all way down it so neadless to say that ones not on the list pmsl
omg im guessing doris wasnt best pleased lol and im glad its not lol if i dented mine i wouldnt be the one ****ed off it would be ma parents lol
haha i bet you wasnt doris haha but thats right life is too short but for smashing up ya defo need a 90 lol coz they aint straight to start with lol

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