im a fail on this one having a day fabricating on sunday and trial fitting a need addition to it........... its the only day i have free so gotta do it :)
yep see you all in morning. is this the post code for meeting plase.

fox house, hathersage rd, Longshaw, Sheffield, s11 7ty :crazy_driver:
hope everyone got home ok and paul got back to camp thanks dave for setting up a brilliant route can wait see you all again soon
Also hope everyone got back okay. We should do it monthly very good day today. Thanks Dave for the route. Cant wait to see pics of roych clough!!
Definitely up for making this a regular trip, I had an absolutely fantastic day, thank you very much to all who came!

Special thanks to Dave for the brilliant route, I underestimated just how many lanes there are, and the variety of said lanes.
Glad you had a good day. Just got back from the barbie. A good end to a good day. See you all soon. Will post pics tomorrow.
I trust the weather stayed good for you then?

Half way through cleaning the Disco the heavens opened, thunder and lightning accompanied by the heaviest rain I've seen in a while, whilst it helped with rinsing the soap off, I ended up soaked!
Mate had the BBQ under tarpaulin so was ok. Just been looking at friends on another site - they got stuck for 10 hours on a side slope in Wales. I think we had the better day.
Had a great day (well morning!) and the mrs enjoyed it aswel! Lol always nice to meet some new faces and hopfuly see you all again, once again David thanks for leading the pack, we'll have to meet at a point where we finished last on the next outing, get some newish lanes under the belt lol
P.S. I wont be selling the disco, enjoyed it too much! lol

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