Just got home and had a really good day. Such a big thanks to David and Sally for some really good lanes and a really fun day. :banana:
Yep, to echo the above, a massive thanks to David and Sally for planning such a good day.
Had a brilliant time in perfect weather.
Also a big thanks to all who made the day as good as it was on my first LZ greenlaning trip
and making me welcome.
Also got home ok great route some cracking lanes and even better group of guys and some mint landys cant wait for next time
Glad you all enjoyed it. Thanks for the kind comments. It's a good job Pete takes the piccies. Cheers Pete. See you all again soon I hope.
Some more piccies.... Apologies for the quality, taken on my phone whilst driving. :rolleyes:








More pics on the link below...

Laning pictures by shaft_Zero - Photobucket

Excellent, definitely a few lanes there i havent seen, glad you boys had a fun day! I spent the day with a hangover :D
I think I may have passed you guys on my way back from Ladybower to Sheffield? I was in my Freelander mk1 3 door. Was it you guys?

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